Don't Call Me Dad, I Don't Have a Son Like You


Hearing the highly recognizable voice on the other end of the phone, Tang Ao realized who it was.

"Don't call me Dad, I don't have a son like you!"

On the other end, Tang Ao's father seemed so furious that he was speaking nonsense. Lin Ruoxue, sitting in the passenger seat, burst into uncontrollable laughter, her body shaking as she tried to stifle her giggles with one hand covering her mouth and the other clutching her stomach.

Tang Ao, you really are something else.

You're like a small cow stumbling—utterly amazing!

Tang Ao shot Lin Ruoxue a glare and then calmed himself to think. Suddenly, he realized: "Wow~! I remember now, my mom hasn't died of anger yet! So that means... the person who just called me is my mom, who I almost didn't get the chance to take care of?"

To be honest, Tang Ao's words were sincere. In his previous life, after his mother died of anger, even though he knew it was part of the plot, just a novel, he still felt very upset.

Now knowing his mother was alive and well, he felt genuinely happy.

"Tang Ao!!!"

His words were like a bucket of gasoline thrown on a raging fire, as both male and female voices simultaneously shouted his name in fury—one sharp, one deep, both filled with anger.

"What do you mean 'a mother you almost didn't get to take care of'? What do you mean she hasn't died of anger yet? You're such a filial son! I don't care where you are, you have half an hour to get back here, or... your monthly allowance will be reduced to five million. Let's see how you live on that!"

Before Tang Ao could respond, his parents on the other end started arguing:

"Tang, are you trying to starve our son? Who can live on five million? Admit it, you just want to kick us out so you can enjoy a life of luxury!"

"Dear, I would never do that. Don't be angry. If I don't say this, how else can we get that brat to come back?"

"But five million is too little. Son, listen to me, be careful on your way back. As long as you're home before dark, it's fine. Even if you're not back, I'll give you an extra five million each month. So, you'll only get ten million a month. It's not much, but you won't starve."

Lin Ruoxue's jaw almost dropped in shock.

Had it really come to this, where rich second generations would starve on a monthly allowance of five million?

She knew that the net monthly profit of Lin Pharmaceuticals, excluding employee wages and other costs, was only five million. What kind of monstrous family was the Tang family?

Tang Ao smiled bitterly. For some reason, he felt warm inside at that moment:

"Alright, I'll be home tonight. Mom, I love you."

On the other end of the phone, a woman in luxurious clothes, her face lined with wrinkles despite expensive cosmetics, suddenly teared up.

"When did this rebellious son change? He must have gotten into trouble again! I need to find out what he's done now!"

Before Tang Ao could say more, the phone went silent with a busy signal.

Hanging up, Tang Ao silently swore to himself:

[Don't worry, Mom. This time, I'll be careful. I won't let the plot of pursuing Lin Ruoxue lead to your death again.]

Lin Ruoxue listened in astonishment, her heart pounding.

If Tang Ao had said this to her directly, she might have thought he was crazy.

But now, she could be certain that these were his true inner thoughts.


Lin Ruoxue had a bold guess.

Tang Ao had died once!

Perhaps in his past life, he was her most devoted follower, but given her personality, that probably ended with him losing everything. Before he died, Tang Ao realized the truth and got a chance to live again!

That's why he kept emphasizing the plot, fearing deviations that he couldn't control!

This explained why Tang Ao acted like a devoted follower despite not liking her at all!

So that's it!

Tang Ao had sacrificed so much for her, even losing his mother!

Feeling she had discovered a huge secret, Lin Ruoxue couldn't help but cover her mouth with both hands.

"What's wrong with you?"

Seeing Lin Ruoxue looking at him with a moved expression, Tang Ao felt confused.

"Will you always pursue me? I mean, what if one day, we get engaged or even married..."

"What are you thinking?" Tang Ao was taken aback.

[This woman is already planning which kindergarten our future kids will attend. This is terrifying!]

[Lin Ruoxue, wake up! You're supposed to be in Ye Chen's harem. If I marry you, Ye Chen will skin me alive!]

[I need to make her give up this unrealistic fantasy. You're the female lead, you can't fall for a villain like me.]

"Ruoxue, I have to be honest with you. The men in our Tang family are all... insatiable. You alone wouldn't be able to satisfy me. I hope... you understand what I mean."

Saying this, Tang Ao believed Lin Ruoxue would get the hint.

[I'm such a clever guy! This way, she'll have a perfect excuse to dump me!]

"Why don't we break up for now? Don't worry, I'll keep trying to win your heart!"


Hearing this word from Lin Ruoxue's mouth, Tang Ao couldn't have been happier!

But when he glanced at her, he saw Lin Ruoxue looking at him affectionately, with no trace of disgust or hatred.

Tang Ao's heart sank.

[Oh no, big trouble! Lin Ruoxue might have a cuckolding fetish and likes the idea of me being unfaithful. What do I do now?]


Lin Ruoxue raised her eyebrows, glaring at Tang Ao fiercely.

If Tang Ao weren't driving, she might have smashed his skull open.

How dare he think she had a cuckolding fetish? It was utterly ridiculous!


Seeing Lin Ruoxue's reaction and feeling the sudden drop in temperature inside the car, Tang Ao sighed in relief.

[Great, Lin Ruoxue is back to normal. This is how a cold goddess should act!]

For the rest of the drive, Lin Ruoxue remained silent. Soon, the car stopped in front of her home.

Lin Ruoxue, being a career-focused woman, lived in a rented apartment despite being a CEO. She invested everything in Lin Pharmaceuticals and didn't buy herself a luxurious mansion.

As she opened the car door, Lin Ruoxue seemed to think of something and turned to Tang Ao: "Why don't you come up for a drink before you go?"

She didn't know why, but she felt reluctant to part from Tang Ao, wanting to talk to him more and understand him better.

Seeing Tang Ao's reluctant expression, she added quickly:

"Don't worry, I live alone."

[Does she think I'm a fool? Drink? Heating water takes time, and it's dinner time, so I'd get hungry and have to eat here.]

[Oh no, Lin Ruoxue wants to sleep with me!]

Lin Ruoxue's face turned beet red with anger. She slammed the car door shut. "Tang Ao, you bastard!"

Seeing the furious Lin Ruoxue outside, Tang Ao didn't dare linger. He quickly hit the gas and drove off.

[Damn, I lost out big time. I've been single for over twenty years, and my first kiss was taken by a crazy woman...]

As Tang Ao's Bugatti Veyron drove away, Lin Ruoxue listened to his fading thoughts until they disappeared.

Watching Tang Ao leave, Lin Ruoxue touched her lips, recalling the electric feeling of their first kiss in front of Lin Pharmaceuticals:

"My first kiss... too."