What's Going On?

Upon seeing Zhou Ling'er for the first time, Ye Chen's eyes lit up.

Dressed in a blue and white sailor suit, her face was slightly immature yet exceptionally beautiful. In terms of size, figure, and appearance, Zhou Ling'er was not inferior to Lin Ruoxue.

More importantly~ The naivety and innocence of Zhou Ling'er, coupled with the peach fuzz on her cheeks, told Ye Chen that Zhou Ling'er was still untainted, possibly even a pure girl who had never been in love. Such a girl, if she was still in college, would undoubtedly be a campus beauty!

Ye Chen also heard about the five hundred thousand matter~

Seeing Zhou Ling'er's pitiful appearance in front of Tang Ao instantly stirred Ye Chen's desire for conquest and protection.

Of course, more importantly~

Just over an hour ago, Tang Ao had publicly confirmed his relationship with Lin Ruoxue, the woman Ye Chen had his eyes on, by kissing her in front of everyone!

At this moment, Ye Chen's actions carried a hint of revenge.

You dare to take my woman?

Fine, not only will I take my woman back, but I'll also take the woman you fancy!

He wanted to have Zhou Ling'er, to thoroughly humiliate Tang Ao!

[No wonder he's the protagonist, hugging Zhou Ling'er so openly, taking advantage while simultaneously establishing a heroic image of rescuing the beauty in Zhou Ling'er's heart. Among all of Ye Chen's harem, Zhou Ling'er was the first to give herself to him]

[A beautiful flower, just like that, planted in dung. If I remember correctly, when Ye Chen saved Zhou Ling'er, he even groped her while taking advantage]

Hearing Tang Ao's inner thoughts, Zhou Ling'er, who was still a bit confused, noticed Ye Chen's restless hands. Somehow finding the strength, she forcibly struggled out of Ye Chen's embrace.

Frankly, she was forced to come out and sell herself, but that didn't mean she could be insulted like this.

At this moment, she felt a strong urge to turn around and leave, to escape from here.

But-- She couldn't leave now.

If she left, her mother's medical expenses wouldn't be covered, and she would lose her mother forever!

[Poor girl, I remember Ye Chen's money is still tied up abroad, and it will take at least three days to get the five hundred thousand. By then, her mother's treatment will be delayed~]

[Forget it, there aren't many filial girls like her these days. After Ye Chen finishes humiliating me, I'll advance the surgery fee in Ye Chen's name!]

Zhou Ling'er stared at Tang Ao, her eyes filled with tears of gratitude.

This scene made Ye Chen's heart melt, and he pulled Zhou Ling'er back into his arms: "Miss Zhou Ling'er, don't be afraid, as long as I'm here, I promise no one will hurt you!"

Hearing Ye Chen's impassioned words, Tang Ao knew it was time for his performance. Clearing his throat, he put on an extremely arrogant expression and walked up to Ye Chen, pointing his finger at Ye Chen's nose:

"You? You're just Lin Ruoxue's bodyguard, a dog hired by the Lin family. You think you belong here? Who gave you the courage to compete with me for a woman? Do you have the ability?"

Only Zhou Ling'er and Li Shiyun noticed that while saying this, Tang Ao's legs were trembling slightly.

[Ye Chen, you'd better hold back a bit. As the strongest man in this world, don't kill me in a fit of anger. If you kill me now, who will create opportunities for you to show off?]

As Tang Ao finished speaking, the sound of bones creaking came from Ye Chen's body.

Anyone could see that Ye Chen was genuinely angry.

"What are you doing? Ye Chen, are you planning to hit someone in front of all of us?"

To everyone's surprise, Li Shiyun stepped between Ye Chen and Tang Ao, shielding Tang Ao firmly behind her.

At this moment, Li Shiyun was overjoyed.

Tang Ao had never forgotten his original intention!

The sense of justice in his heart had never disappeared!

He was willing to endure slander and insults to help the unfortunate Zhou Ling'er, even if it meant using Ye Chen's name to advance five hundred thousand yuan for medical expenses!

Five hundred thousand yuan wasn't a small amount!

In smaller cities, five hundred thousand yuan could buy a decent house in the third ring road!

Money didn't come easily these days, and no rich second generation would casually give out five hundred thousand yuan to help a girl they just met!

Li Shiyun now firmly believed that she had misunderstood and prejudged Tang Ao!

Ye Chen raised an eyebrow. Seeing Li Shiyun clearly, his eyes couldn't move away. He stared at her lecherously, marveling at how he had missed such a stunning beauty earlier.

Unlike the ice-cold beauty CEO Lin Ruoxue or the pure sailor-suited Zhou Ling'er, Li Shiyun had a simple ponytail, with her skin tanned to a healthy bronze from rigorous training. Though she was somewhat flat-chested, her wild charm was particularly enticing.

There's a saying: "A flat chest rules the world!"

Ye Chen wondered if his luck with women had come, secretly deciding to include Li Shiyun in his harem as well.

[Ye Chen, this guy is really a stallion. This is their first meeting, and he's already showing a lustful expression. I bet he's thinking about how to get both Li Shiyun and Zhou Ling'er to enjoy the best of both worlds]

[It's really frustrating. As a protagonist, he can love every girl he meets without being hated, even seeming charismatic. But if a villain like me dares to show interest in any female lead, I'll be condemned by everyone]

After hearing Tang Ao's words, noticing Ye Chen's small actions towards Zhou Ling'er, and seeing his lecherous eyes and drooling mouth, Li Shiyun felt a surge of nausea. Without a word, she kicked Ye Chen.

At the same time, Zhou Ling'er, who also heard Tang Ao's inner thoughts, felt the restless hands of Ye Chen on her again. Anger surged in her heart, and she bit Ye Chen's arm with all her strength.

The sharp pain in his hand made Ye Chen lose his composure. He threw Zhou Ling'er away in pain, but couldn't dodge Li Shiyun's kick, which landed squarely on his stomach.

Although Ye Chen's body was incredibly strong, Li Shiyun's ability to lead police operations meant she wasn't weak either.

This kick turned Ye Chen's face pale, making him feel like his intestines were tangled together, his organs twisting painfully, causing him to stagger back several steps.

This scene left Tang Ao dumbfounded, feeling like his whole body was going numb.

[What the hell is going on?]

[Can someone explain to me what the hell is going on?]

[Can anyone explain to me what the hell is going on!!!]

It's chaos!