I Feel Great

Hearing Ye Chen's words, the police officers exchanged glances, their eyes complicated as they stared at Tang Ao and Zhou Ling'er. One of them couldn't help but address Zhou Ling'er:

"Young lady, we can help you with a fundraising campaign for the money. Don't feel forced to comply with him just because of financial issues. If you're really worried, we can even pool our resources to cover your medical expenses."

Hearing this, the other officers frowned.

Every family has its difficulties.

Being a police officer is just a job, and their salaries aren't high among various professions. Especially since most of them here were auxiliary police officers without formal positions, earning just over three thousand yuan a month.

Five hundred thousand yuan was a lot of money, even fifty thousand would take over a year and a half to save without spending anything.

As police officers, they too had to deal with bride prices, houses, cars, and child expenses like milk powder. No one's life was easy.


One officer excused himself to the restroom, taking out his old phone: "Honey, how much savings do we have?"

"Sixty thousand? How about... I mean, could we use fifty thousand... it's a matter of life and death... Thank you, honey, thank you for understanding. I promise I'll quit smoking and get a permanent position this year!"

He hung up and couldn't help but pull out a cheap cigarette, hesitated, then put it back in his pocket and returned to the room, signaling five with his fingers. Another officer soon left the room...

"I'm sorry, the bride price... I'll talk to Mom about it later. I need to take ten thousand out of the twenty thousand..."

"I'm sorry, I'm a police officer. This is a matter of life and death! If I have the ability to help, I can't just watch someone fall into despair."

Soon, all the officers except Li Shiyun had left the room under the pretense of going to the restroom.

Through their signals, they managed to pool together three hundred thousand yuan.

Li Shiyun discreetly assured them with a gesture.

She could cover the remaining two hundred thousand.

Everyone looked at each other, then gritted their teeth: "Five hundred thousand is not much. We can gather it for you right now. Don't feel burdened!"

"Right, you must live with dignity, Miss Zhou. You're still young, and you have a wonderful life ahead of you. You can't fall into despair like this!"

Tang Ao couldn't help but admire the officers.

Zhou Ling'er might not understand, but Tang Ao, with his two lifetimes of experience, saw it differently.

[These officers are wearing their own clothes. Their entire outfits, shoes included, probably don't add up to a thousand yuan. That guy in the back is even worse off, still using a cheap knock-off phone that costs less than a hundred yuan. It's clear they're struggling financially]

[Li Shiyun fell out with her family to become a police officer. She now rents a room less than ten square meters...]

[Such good officers. Despite their tight lives, they're willing to help Zhou Ling'er with her medical expenses...]

[I can't let them down. Don't worry, you won't need to cover this money!]

Tears of gratitude filled Zhou Ling'er's eyes: "Thank you, thank you all. I'm not being threatened; it's all because of Ye Chen spreading lies!"

The officers sighed, looking deeply at Zhou Ling'er. Before leaving, they made sure to remind her: "If anything happens, call the police immediately. No matter who it is, we'll be there to protect you!"

"Girls must protect themselves out there!"

Faced with this situation, where Zhou Ling'er didn't pursue the matter and clearly expressed her willingness, and with no substantial evidence of threats, the officers had no choice but to let it go.

Ye Chen, handcuffed, was escorted out by two officers. As he reached the door, he suddenly turned around, his eyes filled with a murderous glare that made Tang Ao shiver.

Then, with a flick of his finger, Ye Chen produced a silver needle and launched it towards Tang Ao's abdomen.

As the Dragon King, Ye Chen's silver needle was his most crucial weapon. It could heal the sick and save lives, or kill.

Ye Chen didn't intend to kill Tang Ao. He wanted to slowly torture him, making Tang Ao beg for mercy like a dog!

The needle was aimed at Tang Ao's spinal column at the neck. If hit, Tang Ao would be paralyzed from the neck down, and without Ye Chen's intervention, no advanced medical technique, no matter how skilled, or any precious elixir could make him stand again!

This was a stealth attack that even Tang Ao hadn't noticed!

The protagonist Ye Chen was always one to repay grievances without delay.

Seeing the needle hit its mark, Ye Chen's lips curled into a triumphant smile. In a few days, Tang Ao would beg for his mercy, and Ye Chen planned to strip him of everything and leave him begging on the streets as a true cripple!

But unexpectedly, the next second, Ye Chen felt a sharp pain in his own neck and spine, as if pricked by a needle.

As a martial artist, he could clearly sense there was no foreign object attacking his neck.

In the next second, Ye Chen's body went limp, collapsing at the doorway like a puddle of mud. The two officers escorting him frowned and coldly scolded: "Ye Chen, stop pretending. Get up!"

"Ye Chen, don't think you can avoid punishment by playing dead. Cooperate, or else!"

Ye Chen's face turned beet red, his eyes wide open in disbelief as he looked at Tang Ao, who was rubbing his neck.

How was this possible!

Why was Tang Ao unharmed!?

Why did he feel like he was the one who had been hit by his own needle, unable to move from the neck down!?

Ye Chen couldn't figure it out no matter how hard he tried.

Everything happening now was beyond his understanding.

Nothing like this had ever happened before!

Meanwhile, Tang Ao, rubbing his neck, heard the system's voice:

[Super Rebound activated. Please stay safe. The world is dangerous. Boys must protect themselves out there]

Super Rebound?

Why did this activate suddenly?

[Damn, Ye Chen is lying on the ground. This means... he just attacked me!?]

[Hahaha, Ye Chen, you didn't expect this, did you? You dare to plot against me? Now taste your own medicine!]

Hearing Tang Ao's thoughts, the previously skeptical Li Shiyun finally understood.

Ye Chen was a dangerous person!

Despite being handcuffed and escorted by two strong plainclothes officers, he still managed to attack Tang Ao!

Luckily, Tang Ao was unharmed!

Li Shiyun glared at Ye Chen, her eyes almost spitting fire: "Still pretending in front of us? For a scoundrel like him, if he doesn't get up, just drag him away!"

Ye Chen had no words to defend himself, feeling like his lungs were about to explode with rage. He almost shattered his teeth from grinding them. Unable to contain his fury, he screamed madly:

"Tang Ao! I, Ye Chen, will never let you go! Thirty years east, thirty years west, the humiliation I suffered today will be repaid a hundredfold!"

With that, Ye Chen fell silent, allowing the officers to drag him away. He focused all his efforts on trying to repair his spinal column.

In three days, he would regain his mobility!

Then, he would subject Tang Ao to the most brutal torture imaginable!

After Ye Chen was dragged away, Zhou Ling'er looked at Tang Ao with concern: "Are you okay?"

Tang Ao nodded, stretching lazily: "Of course, I feel great."