What’s Happening to This World?

"Zhou Qiao'er, you can say anything, but you can't just talk nonsense! You... you, you..."

Father Tang and Mother Tang's mouths dropped open wide enough to fit a fist!

And on the other end of the phone, Zhou Qiao'er's parents were staring at their phones in shock, stunned by Zhou Qiao'er's calling Tang Ao "husband."

"Qiao'er... what is going on? Haven't you and Tang Ao been apart for over three years? Have you two been in contact all this time?"

Feeling Tang Ao's warmth, Zhou Qiao'er's body began to heat up. Her delicate breath brushed against Tang Ao's neck:

"I'm sorry, it's all my fault. I just wanted to tease you, so I lied about having more than ten boyfriends abroad. I just wanted to see you get jealous. I know, you're chasing Lin Ruoxue because you're trying to make me jealous. I understand."


A series of question marks flashed across the faces of everyone in the Tang and Zhou families.

What was this wild talk?

[Oh my god, if anyone should know, it's me. Zhou Qiao'er has always kept herself pure. She hasn't even held hands with another man, let alone had multiple boyfriends. How could I be jealous over such a ridiculous misunderstanding?]

[What's going on with Zhou Qiao'er, saying such outrageous things? Since she started it, let's go all the way!]

"Zhou Qiao'er, don't think I don't know. I've seen the photos of you with more than ten men in the same room... Ow!"

Before Tang Ao could finish, he felt a sharp pain in his waist.

Zhou Qiao'er was pinching a piece of skin on his waist hard.

It really hurt!

Meanwhile, Zhou Qiao'er's face had turned completely red. She glanced at Father Tang and Mother Tang, who were watching with eyes full of interest.

No doubt, her parents on the other end of the line had similar expressions.

Too much! Saying she was with over ten men in the same room...

"Those photos were edited to test you! Didn't you notice the different resolutions? The whole picture is 720p, but I'm 1080p. If you don't believe me, I can show you the original!"

Zhou Qiao'er seductively looked at Tang Ao: "Husband~ please stop being mad at me~"

Each "husband," the softness pressed against his chest, and the warm breath on his neck made Tang Ao feel like a thousand ants were crawling over him.

Oh my god!

This is too much!

[Zhou Qiao'er, you're such a seductress!]

Zhou Qiao'er smiled, this bold behavior being a first for her.

If she hadn't been sure of Tang Ao's feelings, she wouldn't have dared to speak such bold words in front of their parents.

"Alright, I know I was wrong. Others might not understand the truth, but I do. You told me that you're still pursuing Lin Ruoxue because her constant rejections made you feel defeated, and you wanted to make me jealous."

Father Tang and Mother Tang suddenly understood, seeing Tang Ao and Zhou Qiao'er so close and affectionate, their previous anger completely dissipated.

"Qiao'er, why didn't you tell us earlier?"

Father Zhou on the phone still felt uncomfortable, knowing his precious daughter was secretly calling Tang Ao "husband" and being so intimate without his knowledge.

"Sorry, Dad. Tang Ao didn't want to keep it from you either. It was my fault for being too shy and then making such a mess. How could I dare to tell you?"

[Well, that clears everything up.]

[Given how far this conversation has gone, it might be hard to avoid a marriage proposal right here.]

[I need to salvage this situation and maintain my spoiled rich kid, lapdog persona!]

"Talking about it now is pointless. Until I win over Lin Ruoxue, no one can arrange my marriage. Not even the king of heaven can make me!"

"Alright, alright, husband~ I understand you and love your competitive spirit the most. I will support and help you win over Lin Ruoxue. After you do, we can get married and have a cute baby, okay~?"


He couldn't respond to that!

Father Tang and Mother Tang were left speechless with shock.

Young people these days play such complicated games?

The fiancée, Zhou Qiao'er, was actively helping Tang Ao chase Lin Ruoxue, and she said this in front of both sets of parents!

Oh my god, what is happening in this world?

Tang Ao instinctively thought of the Shen Tui Deng Yan Pill given by the system.

The omniscient and omnipotent system must have foreseen this moment.

Thinking of this, Tang Ao decided to go all in. He pushed Zhou Qiao'er off him, pulled the Shen Tui Deng Yan Pill from his pocket, and swallowed it.

The effect was immediate. As soon as he swallowed it, Tang Ao felt a warm flow in his stomach that gradually spread to his limbs.

An incredibly comfortable sensation spread throughout his body, making him feel as if a billion professional masseuses were pressing every cell in his body. Tang Ao couldn't help but stretch out and lie back on the sofa in a '大' shape, enjoying the feeling.

[So comfortable!]

Tang Ao hadn't expected the Shen Tui Deng Yan Pill to provide such a heavenly experience.

But the happy moment was short-lived.

In less than ten seconds, the extreme comfort disappeared, leaving Tang Ao wanting more. He noticed Zhou Qiao'er looking at him with a strange expression.

Her delicate eyebrows were tightly furrowed.

The next moment, Zhou Qiao'er clutched her mouth and rushed to the Tang family's bathroom, retching.

[What's going on?]

[Did I miss some key plot point? Is this morning sickness?]

A foul stench filled the air, and Tang Ao pinched his nose tightly.

"Oh my god, who crapped their pants? Why is it so smelly?"

Tang Ao looked at Father Tang and Mother Tang, who were also pinching their noses and staring at him.

That smell...

Seemed to be coming from him?


Tang Ao jumped up and ran to another bathroom, scrubbing himself furiously.

He swore this was the most serious bath he had ever taken, using body wash nine times!