Our Little Ao Has Grown Up

"She... she was just hungry. You know she's been abroad for a long time and is finally back in Longquan, so she was craving some local breakfast and came to ask where to find good places nearby," Tang Ao explained.

"Xiao Ao~" Tang's mother looked at Tang Ao meaningfully. "Actually, your father and I have already made our will. If anything happens to us someday, the Tang family estate..."

"You plan to give it to Zhou Qiao'er?" Tang Ao said nonchalantly, nodding his head. "I don't mind. I wouldn't know how to manage so much money anyway. In the future..."

Tang's mother knocked Tang Ao on the head, annoyed. "Silly boy, what are you thinking? You are our biological son. Of course, we want to leave the estate to you. How could we give it to Qiao'er?"

"Huh? To me?" Tang Ao looked at his mother in disbelief. He remembered that in the storyline, his parents never intended to leave the estate to him. It wasn't because of anything else but his actions—he had broken their hearts. "It shouldn't be. Why give it to me?"

Tang's mother nodded firmly. "Of course. But if we just hand it over to you, we wouldn't be at ease. You know the saying, 'A man with wealth attracts jealousy.' If you suddenly inherit such a large fortune without the corresponding strength to support Tang's enterprise, it could lead to big trouble. It might even endanger your life!"

Seeing Tang's mother's concern, Tang Ao nodded appreciatively. "I understand. It's like a dynasty. If the new emperor is an ignorant fool when power is transferred, he'll likely be treated as a mascot by the ministers and might even become a pawn in political struggles."

Tang Ao's words earned him his mother's admiration.

"So, my dear son, you can't be confused at such a critical time!"

"Mom, don't worry," Tang Ao reassured her with a confident look. "I won't be confused. You and Dad can make your will with peace of mind. In fact, be generous and donate all the wealth to the country. As for your son, I'll just latch onto Lin Ruoxue's coattails and live off my wife. Isn't that wonderful?"

Tang Ao clapped his hands in excitement at his own cleverness.

This would bring him at least two major benefits!

Without the identity of the Tang family heir, he could pursue Lin Ruoxue without reservation!

Even with the heir's identity, Lin Ruoxue barely paid him any attention. Yesterday's acceptance of his confession was an anomaly, but thanks to Ye Chen's timely intervention, the situation was rectified, allowing Tang Ao to start pursuing Lin Ruoxue from scratch.

Moreover, another aspect:

Tang family is Tang family, and the Tang family enterprise is the Tang family enterprise. Even if this mega-corporation went bankrupt one day, the wealth of the ruling family would still be unimaginable to ordinary people.

By shedding the identity of the Tang family enterprise heir, Tang Ao could offend the protagonist Ye Chen as much as he liked without dragging the Tang family enterprise into it. This way, while maintaining his villain role, he wouldn't worry about implicating the Tang family enterprise or facing Ye Chen's retaliation!

The Tang family enterprise would be handed over to the state!

No matter how powerful Ye Chen becomes by the end of the story, he wouldn't dare openly oppose the state!

That would draw the ire of countless people!

As long as Ye Chen doesn't target the Tang family enterprise, Tang Ao's father wouldn't commit suicide out of shame from the company's bankruptcy, and Tang Ao's mother wouldn't go insane because of it. The Tang family could remain a complete family of three!

"Mom, this is a great idea. You and Dad should finalize the will and announce it to the world through the media today!"

Tang Ao was so happy he almost jumped up and down.

Tang's mother placed her hand on Tang Ao's forehead. "No fever. So why are you talking nonsense?"

"Mom, I'm serious. The doctor told me a few days ago that my stomach isn't good, and I'm suited to eating soft rice for the rest of my life. I think Lin Ruoxue's soft rice is pretty good!"


Seeing Tang Ao's serious expression, Tang's mother realized her son might not be joking entirely.

A dignified rich second generation of a top family wants to live off a small-time female CEO?

"Xiao Ao, don't you think this is disgraceful?"

"Disgraceful is good!" Tang Ao clapped his hands. "That's exactly what I want!"

To support the protagonist's aura, the important villain must face disgrace. Many villains don't even have the chance to be disgraced before they die.

"If you feel sorry, I can personally announce to the media that I, Tang Ao, renounce all claims to Tang's Group shares..."

"Silly boy, you dare!?"

Tang's mother never expected her words, meant to bring Tang Ao and Zhou Qiao'er closer, to be accepted so readily and for him to propose something even more extreme!

She initially planned to entrust the company to a foundation and let Tang Ao receive a fixed 'salary' every month.

She thought Tang Ao would choose the latter without hesitation between a limited 'salary' and nearly unlimited wealth.

To her surprise, Tang Ao chose an option not even in the standard answers—neither!

Tang's mother didn't know what to say to Tang Ao.

After all, he was her biological son, her only son.

Tang's mother suppressed her anger, thinking her son was in his rebellious phase. Fine, she wouldn't argue with him.

If it weren't for encountering Zhou Qiao'er leaving Tang Ao's room twice, especially with their stories not aligning, Tang's mother would have really thought Tang Ao had no interest in Zhou Qiao'er.


After breakfast, Tang Ao and Zhou Qiao'er left the Tang family villa one after the other. Tang's mother stood by the French window on the attic, watching Zhou Qiao'er get into the passenger seat of Tang Ao's Bugatti Veyron.

She had completely calmed down.

After careful analysis and thought, considering Tang Ao's actions over the years and his conversation this morning, Tang's mother reached a conclusion that even scared her a little, and she smiled proudly: "Honey, after all these years, our little Ao has finally grown up. God has really played a big joke on our Tang family."

She had already recounted last night's and this morning's events and conversations to Tang's father.