What Man Can Resist Such Temptation?

Inside the private room, some of the more timid girls were so frightened that they covered their eyes with their hands, peeking fearfully through their fingers at the unfolding situation.

Zhou Qiao'er and Lin Ruoxue were both shocked as well. Ye Chen's sudden outburst was far beyond their expectations, and they had no time to react to Ye Chen, who was descending from above.

As Ye Chen drew closer, with a gaze that seemed to wish to devour him whole, Tang Ao felt an unprecedented calm settle in his heart.

After all, he had his system backing him up!

The more Ye Chen put all his strength into this attack, the more likely it would trigger [Super Rebound], a powerful weapon that gets stronger when faced with a stronger opponent!

Ye Chen, with his fist poised to strike Tang Ao's chest, was extremely confident in this attack.

Ye Chen had decided. He no longer wanted to pretend. He wanted to kill Tang Ao with one punch and then reveal everything to everyone!

He wanted Lin Ruoxue to know how powerful her bodyguard truly was. He wanted the restaurant managers and employees who had just given him a hard time to kneel before him, begging for forgiveness. He wanted to crush Tang Ao's bones to dust to relieve the hatred in his heart!

The whistling wind of his fist arrived first, causing Tang Ao's hair and clothes to fly backward~

The punch landed precisely on Tang Ao's chest, and Ye Chen was overjoyed. Tang Ao, let's see if you survive this!

But in the next second, Ye Chen's expression changed dramatically.

He felt as though his fist had struck an armored plate, with excruciating pain radiating from his fist and chest simultaneously.


Ye Chen's body flew backward like a kite with a broken string, spurting a mouthful of blood. His face instantly turned ashen, and as he looked towards Tang Ao, his mouth hung open so wide his jaw almost dislocated!

Ye Chen was dumbfounded!

His confident, full-strength punch hadn't even moved Tang Ao an inch backward; it was as if nothing had happened. Tang Ao stood there, scratching his head bashfully!

Tang Ao's strength was unfathomable!

Others might not notice, but as someone who experienced it firsthand, Ye Chen, the battle-hardened Dragon King, could clearly see that his all-out punch hadn't even harmed a single hair on Tang Ao's head!

Tang Ao was a master!

A hidden master!

Looking at Tang Ao, who appeared much younger and more vibrant than himself, an unprecedented sense of crisis surged like a tide into Ye Chen's mind.

Tang Ao must be the greatest obstacle to Ye Chen's rise!

Ye Chen flew backward, slamming into the door before finally stopping, his entire body collapsing weakly to the ground as if all the bones had been removed.

He felt as though his right fist was on the verge of a comminuted fracture, and as for his chest~

His internal organs were all crying out in pain!

At this moment, Ye Chen was overwhelmed with shame and anger.

Since he could remember, even when facing hundreds of thousands of enemies alone, Ye Chen had never been so embarrassed!

All of this was thanks to Tang Ao!

Compared to Ye Chen, Tang Ao was the true master, pretending to be weak while hiding his true strength!

"Tang Ao, are you okay!?"

"Tang Ao, how are you? I've studied a bit of medicine; let me check you over!"

Unlike Ye Chen, who was avoided like a rat crossing the street, Lin Ruoxue and Zhou Qiao'er walked up to Tang Ao with concerned expressions, each holding onto one of his arms. That damned soft touch~

Lin Ruoxue's eyes were filled with guilt and regret, lamenting why she hadn't been more decisive in firing Ye Chen last night. If Ye Chen hadn't come here, Tang Ao wouldn't have been injured.

Zhou Qiao'er was so anxious that her eyes were turning red. She didn't care about propriety and directly opened Tang Ao's shirt, carefully checking him over.

"No... no need to check, I'm fine..."

Tang Ao was going crazy.

Zhou Qiao'er's fingers felt electric, causing intense tingling wherever they touched his skin.

"Impossible!" Zhou Qiao'er shook her head, worried. "Don't speak. I heard the sound just now. Trust me, you can completely trust my medical skills!"

As Zhou Qiao'er spoke, she continued to meticulously examine Tang Ao.

On the side, Lin Ruoxue watched Tang Ao and Zhou Qiao'er with envy in her eyes.

If only...

She could be like Zhou Qiao'er and know medicine. Now that Tang Ao was injured, she could do nothing but support him like a block of wood.

Ye Chen finally snapped out of his dizziness, and seeing Tang Ao enjoying the attentive care of both women, he caught sight of Lin Ruoxue's hateful glare directed at him, and another mouthful of blood sprayed from Ye Chen's mouth.

Others might not know, but Ye Chen was all too aware that as far as injuries went—

Tang Ao hadn't suffered any harm. On the contrary, Ye Chen himself was gravely injured.

If he didn't get treatment soon, his life could be in danger!

Ye Chen glared fiercely at Tang Ao, then hurriedly pulled a small bottle of medicine from his pocket. In his desperation, he poured the entire bottle into his mouth, feeling as if his heart was bleeding!

What he consumed was not just medicine but the hard-earned savings he had accumulated over the years!

This small bottle of medicine, if auctioned on the market, could easily be worth a hundred Lin Pharmaceuticals!

Ye Chen gnawed on the pills as if biting into Tang Ao's flesh, his face twisted in rage. Then, not caring about anything else, he sat cross-legged and began to absorb the precious medicinal power.

On the other side, after a careful examination, Zhou Qiao'er looked at Tang Ao in disbelief. "How... how can this be? You're not injured at all!"

Only now did Zhou Qiao'er realize something was off with Tang Ao:

"Tang Ao, why is your breathing so heavy? And your face... why is it so red? It shouldn't be. I just checked; your body should be healthy, healthier than any man I've ever seen!"

Watching Zhou Qiao'er's serious demeanor, Tang Ao couldn't help but internally lament:

[Dear grandmother, with all your touching, pressing, and listening, what man could withstand such temptation?]

[This is a normal reaction, the kind any normal man should have!]

[Good grief, how could I possibly say such things in front of so many people!]

Zhou Qiao'er's hand recoiled from Tang Ao's body like she had been shocked, her face turning bright red.

She had been so worried about Tang Ao's condition that she hadn't realized how close she had gotten to him.

Hearing Zhou Qiao'er's final verdict that Tang Ao was indeed unscathed, Lin Ruoxue let out a long sigh of relief, feeling a weight lifted from her heart.

In that brief moment, Lin Ruoxue's mind had flashed through countless possibilities.

If Tang Ao were injured because of Ye Chen, she was prepared to drop everything to accompany and care for Tang Ao until he recovered. If Tang Ao were seriously injured and paralyzed, Lin Ruoxue was determined to take care of him for the rest of her life. If... Tang Ao were to die because of this...

She would spend her entire life seeking revenge on Ye Chen, avenging Tang Ao!!!

Thankfully, Tang Ao was completely unharmed!

Lin Ruoxue glared coldly at Ye Chen, who sat cross-legged at the door, and stepped toward him step by step.