Niu Mou Ren’s Coffin Lid

The car pulled up to the hospital entrance, and Zhang San got out from the driver's seat, looking at Tang Ao, who was closing the car door, with a puzzled expression.

"Young Master Tang, didn't you say you were going to give me a great opportunity? Why are we at a hospital? Is there some important person who's sick right now?"

"No, no, it's not that." Tang Ao gave Zhang San a meaningful look, then spoke in a tone of unexpected familiarity that Zhang San couldn't quite understand. "Zhang San, you don't realize it yet, but at our core, we're the same kind of person."

Zhang San was so startled that he nearly panicked, shaking his head like a rattle drum. "Young Master Tang, please don't joke with me like that. How could I possibly be worthy of being compared to you?"

"I'm very serious. Do you remember that guy named Ye Chen back at the restaurant? He's your opportunity."

"Of course, I remember!" Zhang San immediately pictured Ye Chen lying on the ground like a dead dog, and a look of realization crossed his face as he slapped his forehead. "That Ye Chen dared to offend you and tried to get involved with the woman you have your eyes on. Don't worry, leave it to me. I guarantee that by tonight, Ye Chen will be in this hospital's ICU!"


Tang Ao was taken aback. Whoa, brother, are you that intense?

"That's not what I meant. You misunderstood!" Tang Ao quickly stopped him, shocked. "Why send him to the ICU? Besides, we, people like us, can't take him down."

Hearing Tang Ao use the word "us," Zhang San was deeply moved. He carefully considered Tang Ao's words and nodded in agreement. "Young Master Tang, don't worry. I understand perfectly now."

"Rest assured, you've treated me as one of your own, and I won't mess up such an important task. If I fail, it's my own fault, and I won't implicate you!"

The more Zhang San spoke, the more emotional he became. He clenched his fists and bowed deeply to Tang Ao. "Young Master Tang, you've given me this honor and opportunity. I won't let you down. Just wait for the good news!"

With that, Zhang San yanked open the car door, stomped on the gas pedal, and sped off, his excitement roaring as loudly as the engine.

As a seasoned businessman, Zhang San knew that in the vast ocean of business, especially among the wealthy, power plays and conflicts were common. It was this understanding that had allowed him to rise from nothing to his current position.

After all, a certain big shot once said that as long as there's a 100% profit, capital is willing to trample over any law!

And now, to Zhang San, the profit was far beyond 100%. In ancient times, this would be a fortune that could elevate one's entire family!

Tang Ao watched as Zhang San's car disappeared from view, utterly stunned.

"What did this guy understand? It feels like what he got from our conversation is a bit different from what I was trying to convey."

"But since he seemed so sure he understood everything, I suppose there won't be any surprises. Ah, I must be too tired. From yesterday until now, none of the heroines I've encountered have given me a moment's peace, making me suspicious of everything. Let's hope Zhang San doesn't disappoint me."

"Just a little pressure on Ye Chen and then let him slap you back. Do that a few more times, and you'll be able to smoothly join Ye Chen's side. After that, life will be easy and carefree. Zhang San, I've shown you the way. As a fellow villain, this is as far as I can help you. Just don't make Ye Chen your mortal enemy. I have the system, so no matter how strong Ye Chen is, he can't kill me. But you don't have the system!"

With these thoughts, Tang Ao took a deep breath and strode into the hospital.

As soon as Tang Ao stepped inside, the system's voice echoed in his mind:

[Congratulations, host. This round's task is complete. Reward: Kidney Function +30.]

[Current Host Physical Stats: Kidney Function 46, Appearance 99, Stamina 50, Health 140. Buff: Poison Immunity (28 hours remaining).]

This reward was extremely generous!

A whole 30 points added to kidney function—that's amazing!

Kidney Function is now 46!

Just a little more, and I'll reach a full minute!

Staring down at his crotch, Tang Ao silently cheered himself on. For the sake of future "happiness," he had to keep pushing forward and achieve greatness!

But the system wasn't done:

[Congratulations, host. You have received an ability reward: Niu Mou Ren's Coffin Lid.]

[Niu Mou Ren's Coffin Lid: The higher your appearance, the less impact high falls have on your body. With an appearance score of 99, you can now fall from a height of 99 meters and survive.]


In the hospital corridor, Tang Ao exclaimed, drawing a lot of strange looks.

He quickly composed himself, lowering his head slightly, pretending nothing had happened as he continued walking, suppressing his inner excitement.

This was a permanent ability!

Another life-saving skill from the system!

With this, Tang Ao had an even stronger card to play, giving him more confidence to fully embrace his role as a villain and keep dancing on Ye Chen's nerves!

Although unexpected events had occurred recently, preventing Ye Chen from successfully executing his plans, Tang Ao believed his acting as a villain was solid. The groundwork he laid for Ye Chen's dramatic entrances was very effective, as evidenced by Ye Chen's murderous glares.

As long as Tang Ao kept up his efforts, perfecting his performance, he believed Ye Chen would eventually pull off a flawless, thrilling display of dominance that would satisfy everyone watching!

Unbeknownst to him, Tang Ao had already arrived outside Zhou Ling'er's mother's hospital room.

At that moment, a large group of patients' relatives filled the room. Zhou Ling'er tightly held her mother's hand, and both mother and daughter anxiously watched the woman in the next bed.

These family members had been notified to come and say their final goodbyes.

The doctors stood with grim expressions, looking at the family of the patient in the next bed. They pointed to the heart monitor, where the line had almost flattened. "Should we attempt resuscitation?"

The patient's relatives, their eyes red from crying, responded in unison, "Yes, save her! We'll spend whatever it takes to save her!"

The doctor nodded. "Prepare the adrenaline injection..."

The doctors and nurses scrambled to perform the final resuscitation efforts.

But after ten minutes, the heart monitor remained a flat line. The doctors shook their heads in resignation at the family members.

The room was immediately filled with cries of grief, a sorrowful chorus of wails and tears.

Zhou Ling'er's mother, eyes tightly shut, trembled as she struggled to sit up from the bed. "Ling'er, I want to get some fresh air."

The room was so noisy and filled with the heavy atmosphere of grief that when Zhou Ling'er walked out and sat on a bench outside the room, she didn't even notice Tang Ao standing at the door.

"Ling'er, let's... take me home. I don't want any more treatment."