I'm Going to Buy a Dog Leash Right Now

The hospital was bustling with people. Sister Hong looked worried, lost in thought, and didn't even recognize Tang Ao as they brushed past each other.

Under Tang Ao's gaze, Sister Hong walked straight to the payment window. "Could you please check if the patient in bed number thirty has the surname Zhou?"

As fate would have it, this was the same window where Dr. Chen had just been.

Without hesitation, the young nurse replied, "Of course, the patient's surname is indeed Zhou."

Sister Hong bit her lip, her expression showing a struggle. After taking a deep breath, she pulled out a bank card from her pocket, closed her eyes, and handed it over.

"Payment, five hundred thousand."

This action startled Tang Ao.

[This scene wasn't in the original novel!]

In the original story, Sister Hong was just a pitiful woman lost in the dust of the world. After the initial encounter between Ye Chen and Zhou Ling'er at Shangshan Ruoshui, she never appeared again, as if she had vanished into thin air.

In other words, Sister Hong was just a minor character, barely described in the original. How could she suddenly be paying five hundred thousand to cover Zhou Ling'er's surgery expenses?

Did she have that much money?

In Longquan City, where the average income was only about three thousand yuan, pulling out five hundred thousand in one go was something that even families who considered themselves well-off could only dream of.

The young nurse at the payment window was so shocked that her mouth could easily fit an egg.

First Tang Ao, then Dr. Chen, and now Sister Hong—all of them had come to pay for Zhou Ling'er's surgery.

Three people in ten minutes, each bringing tens of thousands of yuan!

[Oh my, has even paying a full five hundred thousand for someone's surgery become so competitive now?]

At this moment, besides being shocked, the young nurse couldn't help but ask curiously, "What is your relationship with the patient?"

Sister Hong was stunned for a moment. "We were colleagues for a day, but… we're not colleagues anymore."

The nurse nodded in agreement. "There really are good people in this world. I suddenly feel... hopeful about society again."

"Hmm?" Sister Hong looked at the nurse, confused. The nurse smiled, her eyes forming crescents. "Actually, the surgery fee for the patient in bed number thirty has already been paid. You're a bit late."

"It's already been paid? Was it a man with the surname Tang?" When she saw the nurse nod, Sister Hong froze, a deep sorrow filling her eyes. "That silly girl... Ah... Is it possible to... get a refund?"

The nurse shook her head. "Don't worry, your card hasn't been charged yet. The money in your account is still untouched."

"What I meant was, could you refund the surgery fee paid by Mr. Tang?"

"I'm sorry, but unless Mr. Tang himself requests it, the surgery fee cannot be refunded."

Sister Hong's eyes reddened, and she looked anxious. "Is it not possible to use my five hundred thousand to replace his payment?"

Seeing the nurse shake her head, Sister Hong let out a long sigh, her face full of regret and remorse.

"I'm sorry, I came too late..."

Sister Hong stood there with her eyes closed, staying still for quite a while.

She would never forget the outrageous words Tang Ao had said last night at Shangshan Ruoshui.

Tang Ao's money wasn't given for free!

Tang Ao had publicly said that if Zhou Ling'er took his money, she would have to be his dog. Without his command, she wouldn't even be allowed to wear clothes, and she'd have to wear a dog leash around her neck!

This was an inhuman, perverse humiliation!

After struggling with this all night, Sister Hong had finally gritted her teeth and brought all her savings to the hospital, but she was still too late!

If only she had come earlier.

Sister Hong stood there for a long time, then finally left with a heavy heart.

Tang Ao watched this woman with a complex expression, no longer carrying the frivolous attitude he had when he first saw her yesterday.

After thinking for a moment, Tang Ao slapped his forehead and got back in line at the payment window. "I'm Tang Ao, the one who just paid for the surgery for bed number thirty. Here's the payment receipt. The thing is, I made a mistake. The money wasn't from me. Can you change the record and credit the payment to Ye Chen instead?"


After the nurse replaced Tang Ao's name with Ye Chen's, Tang Ao left the hospital, satisfied.

It was a good thing he thought about it. Otherwise, he might have made a huge mistake!

Tang Ao was supposed to be the villain, and doing such a righteous deed didn't fit his character. Besides, this was a perfect opportunity for the hero to save the beauty.

Saving the damsel in distress—that was definitely the protagonist's role!

By crediting the payment to Ye Chen, Tang Ao could maintain his villainous image in front of Zhou Ling'er while also helping the currently cash-strapped Ye Chen rapidly close the distance between him and Zhou Ling'er!

[Two birds with one stone!]

Just as Tang Ao was about to leave the hospital, a clear voice rang out behind him. "Young Master Tang, why are you at the hospital?"

Tang Ao turned his head and saw Zhou Ling'er bent over, hands on her knees, panting heavily. She looked up at him with a face full of joy, her eyes twinkling like little stars.

[What's going on? Zhou Ling'er should be worried about gathering the surgery fee right now, but she doesn't look anything like the dejected girl I saw at the ward door earlier.]

Zhou Ling'er beamed, her smile radiant. "I... I just heard from the doctor that a gentleman with the surname Tang paid the surgery fee. I guessed it was you, Young Master Tang, and sure enough, it was..."

"Wait a minute!!" Tang Ao's heart sank. "You're mistaken; it wasn't me!"

[If Zhou Ling'er finds out I paid the five hundred thousand for her surgery, it'll ruin everything—I won't be able to play my villainous role properly!]

Thinking quickly, Tang Ao made up an excuse. "I just arrived at the hospital because I wasn't feeling well and needed to see a doctor. As for your surgery fee, I never planned to help you with that."

Seeing Zhou Ling'er still gazing at him with joy, Tang Ao decided to push her further. "Little girl, everyone in Longquan City knows what kind of person I am. If you want me to pay your surgery fee, you'd have to pay the price. Did you forget what I said yesterday at Shangshan Ruoshui?"

Zhou Ling'er's face flushed. She had understood Tang Ao's intentions very clearly. She took a small step towards Tang Ao, leaving only a fist's distance between them. "If... if you really want to see it, I... I'll go buy a dog leash right now..."

[Wait, something's off here!]

[Since when did Zhou Ling'er become so bold? This doesn't fit your pure and innocent school beauty image at all—wake up!]