If We're Seeking Excitement, Let's Go All the Way

Tang Ao arrived at the dining room, only to find it empty, though the table was filled with steaming hot breakfast.

Just as Tang Ao was wondering where everyone had gone, Zhou Qiao'er walked gracefully toward him, dressed in an extravagant gown.

She wore an elaborate purple dress, and a diamond necklace hung around her neck. At the bottom of the necklace was a goose-egg-sized diamond!

Zhou Qiao'er's long, flowing hair cascaded down her back, and each of her steps exuded elegance and charm.

For a moment, Tang Ao was completely mesmerized!

All those poetic descriptions of unparalleled beauty—like "fish sinking, birds falling, flowers shamed, and the moon hiding"—paled in comparison to Zhou Qiao'er at this moment.

She looked like a goddess walking out of a famous painting, breathtaking with every gesture and motion.

Tang Ao took a deep breath and slowly exhaled, finally managing to regain some composure.

But when he looked at Zhou Qiao'er again, he froze.

That dress and the necklace Zhou Qiao'er was wearing...

Why did they look so familiar?

"Zhou Qiao'er, why are you wearing my mom's favorite dress and her family heirloom necklace? Take them off right now!"

That dress had been crafted by the world's top designer, taking three years to complete, and was worth over a billion!

And the diamond necklace was one-of-a-kind in the world, with just that one diamond alone valued at over ten billion!

"Oh? Do I not look good in it?"

As she spoke, Zhou Qiao'er had already reached Tang Ao. Tang Ao suddenly felt as if an invisible force was gripping his throat. Looking at her up close, he found it hard to breathe!

He instinctively took two steps back. "This is my mom's most treasured possession. She doesn't even let me touch it! Once, I accidentally brushed against the box where she kept the dress and necklace, and she docked tens of thousands from my allowance. She's never withheld my allowance for anything else!"

Zhou Qiao'er seemed not to hear his warning as she continued to move closer to him, repeating, "You still haven't told me, do I look good in this?"

The faint scent of perfume from Zhou Qiao'er filled the air, and before Tang Ao realized it, he had backed up against the wall. Zhou Qiao'er even went as far as to place her hand on the wall beside him, trapping him in a "kabedon"!

Oh my god!

He had been kabedon-ed by Zhou Qiao'er!

Tang Ao felt his heart pounding uncontrollably.

If this kept going...

Things would definitely head into "premium" content!

"Zhou Qiao'er!" Tang Ao said loudly. "Look at the breakfast on the table. This is the Tang family's dining room. My parents could walk in at any moment for breakfast. Are you sure you want to do something this daring!?"

Tang Ao's words made Zhou Qiao'er blush, but seeing Tang Ao's shy expression only made her like him more, intensifying her mysterious impulse. "If we're going for excitement... let's take it all the way!"

[Oh my God! Is she really going to kiss me?]

[Should I dodge, or should I cooperate?]

[Cooperating... doesn't seem to fit my character, right?]

[This troublesome little temptress!]

Hearing Tang Ao's thoughts made Zhou Qiao'er's smile even more enchanting.

"Why are you standing at the door instead of going in?" A confused voice suddenly came from the dining room doorway—it was Tang Ao's father.

Zhou Qiao'er's face instantly flushed all the way to her ears, and she sprang back from the wall as if shocked by electricity, retreating several steps.

"You! Tang, starting today, we're sleeping in separate rooms!" Tang Ao's mother was shaking with anger.

She had been peeking through the crack of the door at a critical moment, her face already lit with an auntie's smile. But then, the perfect scene was ruined by one careless comment from Tang Ao's father!

Tang Ao's father, oblivious, saw his wife's furious expression and assumed she was still upset about his recent contact with his first love. "Come on, honey, don't be mad. I was wrong. I admit it. I shouldn't have called my first love behind your back, and I definitely shouldn't have waited until now to come clean. Please, don't be angry."

"First love!?" Tang Ao's mother's voice jumped several decibels, and even Tang Ao and Zhou Qiao'er, inside the dining room, heard it clearly. "Tang! Didn't you say when you proposed that I was your first love, and you had never had a girlfriend before!?"


Tang Ao's father had no time to think before a sharp pain shot through his ear.

That kid, Tang Ao...

Can't be trusted. He really set me up this time!

His wife hadn't known about the call with his first love!

"Spill it. Who is this first love? What's her name? When did you date? Why did you break up? When did you contact her again? If you don't explain everything clearly today, I'm packing my bags and going back to my parents'!"

"Don't be like that. We can talk about this in private. The kids are here; it's not good for them to hear this!"

"Tang! If you don't explain, you're done for!"

Hearing their voices gradually fade, Tang Ao realized that he and Zhou Qiao'er were going to have breakfast for four by themselves today.

Growing up in a big family with many children and experiencing hunger, Tang Ao couldn't stand wasting food. In the end, he ate three people's worth of breakfast by himself, even finishing Zhou Qiao'er's half bowl of porridge.

This left Zhou Qiao'er completely stunned!

Tang Ao received a higher monthly allowance than Zhou Qiao'er did in a year, yet...

Tang Ao was so frugal!

No pampered rich second-generation heir would do what Tang Ao was doing right now!

Zhou Qiao'er thought to herself, I really wasn't wrong about him. Tang Ao is the best, whether it's his character or anything else!


Tang Ao had just eaten her leftovers!

Though Tang Ao had used his own chopsticks...

That bowl of porridge had been hers!!!

Which meant... Zhou Qiao'er and Tang Ao had just indirectly kissed!!!

Zhou Qiao'er's face turned red as she watched Tang Ao let out a long, satisfied belch.

"I'm heading out. I might be back late today. Longquan City is big, so be careful when you're out and about," Tang Ao said, then paused.

[Did I just say something that sounds like I care about Zhou Qiao'er!?]

[Damn it, as a proper villain, how could I speak without thinking!?]

[No, I need to fix this right away!]

"What I meant to say is, don't go getting yourself killed out there. If something happens to you, the Tang family won't be able to explain it to the Zhou family. Then, I'd have to pay for the funeral, which would be a loss for the Tang family's money."

To Tang Ao's surprise, after what he thought was an overly harsh remark, Zhou Qiao'er didn't get angry. Instead, she looked at him with a pitiful expression. "Oh no~ Is Longquan City really that dangerous? Then I really don't dare go out alone. Tang Ao, I'll stick with you today. As long as you're by my side, I'll be the safest person in the world!"

Tang Ao internally screamed in panic!

[Oh no, I've talked myself into a corner! Why can't I control my mouth!?]