Chapter 12

"I want you all to return to the ARC," I said. "I'm

staying here with Ernesti and Madison!"

"The hell you say!" yelled T. "Ma would kill me if I

came back without you."

"Look! We have to establish trust between Ernesti and

us. Who better than me to do so?" I asked. "I'll be fine."

"We'll be fine," said Em. "I'm staying with you."

"Me too," said T. "We'll see this through together."

"Ok then. Di, you handle things back at the ARC and

stay on alert," I said. "Just in case Jacob is still nosing around."

"You can count on me," said Diane.

"On us," said Andre. "We got your back."

"Of course, this is all contingent on whether or not

Ernesti will allow us to stay," I said.

"You are welcomed to stay," said Ernesti in a sullen


The rest of our group departed as Em, T and I got used

to Ernesti and his DCs. I attempted to get Ernesti to open up about what had

happened. He elaborated about Madison and Dr. Anthony. How she experimented on

Madison. He explained how his camp was overrun by marauders, and how he and

Madison were the only two to escape. He explained about the promise, in which

they would all fight to live. "Life continues as long as one lives!" How he

promised Madison that he would never leave her. How he pulled her teeth and

bound her arms.

"She keeps the other undead away," said Ernesti. "Even

now she still protects me."

"You rarely find this kind of loyalty nowadays," I

said. "If you and Madison are with us, we'll protect you too."

He looked at me with an eerie silence. He looked at T

and Em and then at Madison.

"You all truly care for one another?" asked Ernesti. "Cherish

what you have. History has taught me that it will not last."

"Ernesti, I am attempting to find a cure for this

thing that causes the dead to walk," I said. "Would you mind if I took some

samples from Madison? I wouldn't hurt her, and you could be present when I

examine her."

"No more experiments!" he yelled as the DCs began to

hiss. "I promised to protect her!"

"No experiments," I reassured him. "Just some tissue,

some fluids and a swab of the inside of her cheek."

He looked at me, then looked at Madison, and then

looked at me again. He lowered his head and exhaled.

"You swear that no harm will come to Madison?" he

asked. "Just a checkup?"

"Just a checkup," I said. "I want to compare her state

to the other results I have recorded."

Ernest acquiesced to the test. I pulled out a couple

of vials, slides and swabs to collect the samples. I peeled a little patch of

skin, collected two vials of fluids (one from the spine and one from the arm)

and two swabs from the mouth. I labeled and placed the samples in my pack to

study at the lab.

"Is that all?" asked Ernesti. "Are your tests


"That's it!" I said. "Easy peasy."

I asked Ernesti if he had catalogued the food stores.

He showed me the refrigerated area where some of the items were stored. The

generators were failing.

"We have a mechanic/electrician and an engineer who

can help with the refrigeration system," I offered. "Would you mind if they

took a look?"

"That would be greatly appreciated," he said. "It has

been a while since I have had someone who spoke back to me. You don't realize

how much you miss it until it is gone."

As we toured the plant, Ernesti and I talked into the

wee hours of the morning. I think that Ernesti, and by extension, Madison, will

be welcome additions to our group. We moved to the offices where Ernesti had

his quarters. Em and I took one of the abandoned offices and T took another. We

bedded down for the evening.

The next morning was an early one. We discussed the

fuel truck with Ernesti and how we wanted to hide it at the plant. We discussed

setting up some watchtowers and cameras as it would only be a matter of time

before someone came to take what he had.

"I have more than enough to share," he said. "Why


"Ernesti, the people we are talking about are not

interested in sharing. They would prefer to kill you rather than share," I

said. "I'm not saying that you shouldn't share. But you should be careful with

whom you share."

We radioed for Fred and Tim to come to the plant. Tim

gave us a structural analysis, and Fred developed a list of parts to repair the

machines. We sent the Raiders out to find the parts needed. Repairs and

upgrades were slow and methodical. A month had passed and there were no more

incursions from Jacob, but T preferred to remain vigilant.

Things were moving along swimmingly with Em, and our

feelings were moving well beyond just the physical attraction we had for one

another. The martial arts training was still progressing, and we both were

getting better every day.

Joshua was progressing at a rapid pace himself. His

scouting skills were improving as well. He was becoming a well-rounded

survivalist. Tim had also begun to teach him some of the basics of building and

structural engineering.

Ernesti was becoming less and less dependent on

Madison and the other DCs he had accumulated as he became more integrated into

our group. The members of the ARC were uneasy whenever Ernesti would visit, as

we had to leave Madison topside. He would only agree to wear the hood if we

brought Madison.

During one of our expeditions to scour for supplies,

we found a department store warehouse. There were plenty of trucks and plenty

of the comforts of modern life. We invited Ernesti to come with us but

persuaded him to leave Madison behind.

As we entered the warehouse, we noticed vehicles that

looked as if they had just arrived. The hoods were still warm. There were two

of them. This hunting party consisted of Rodriguez, Gerald, Andre, Ricky,

Robert, T, Joshua, Ernesti, and myself. Gerald and Ernesti took point, Ricky

and Robert nestled into the scenery undercover, Rodriguez and Andre took the

left flank, while Joshua, T, and I took the right.

We overheard a small group in the warehouse as they

engaged the DCs that were inside. There were four men and three women embroiled

in a fierce battle with DCs. They were going to be overrun. But we were here.

That's not happening on our watch.

"Blades! Engage by twos! Cut 'em down!" barked T.

The various groups of two began to mow down the DCs as

the men and women already there renewed their fight. Joshua, T, and I began

chopping and bashing the heads of DCs, quietly and efficiently. The twins were

firing arrows with pinpoint accuracy, and Andre and Rodriguez officially became

known as Chop and Slash: Rodriguez

would chop them, and Andre would slash them for an effective one-two punch.

When the last DC was dealt with, the four men and three women then turned their

attention towards us.

"Who the hell are you?" demanded one of the men as he

raised a crowbar, while the other six backed into a circle to face off against


"Hold on!" I said. "We're only here to help. My name

is Dr. Marvin Harris."

But still, the survivors kept their guard up.

"Look we don't want to cause you any trouble," I said.

"On the contrary, we want to offer you a place to feel safe and to live. That

is, if you're interested."

"We've been on the road for a long time. My name is Jason.

That's Ellen, that's Marie, and that's Naomi. The big guy is Henry, the guy

with the glasses is Von, and last but not least, is Corbin," said Jason.

Jason was the de facto leader of this group. He was

young, but you could tell that he has seen some things. He was a truck driver

for a department store when society fell. Ellen looked to have some issues, as

she would not leave Jason's side. She worked at a counter in the same

department store. Both were fit and seemed to be able to handle themselves.

Marie and Naomi were professional wrestlers on the

independent circuit. Marie was known as Mad

Madam Marie and Naomi turned an amateur body building career into

wrestling. Henry, a former arena football player, was about 6' 1", 250 lbs. He

was very fit and strong. Von worked at a tech store and knew everything there

was to know about technology. And Corbin worked at his local drug store and had

a pharmacology background.

"What do you mean? You have a place?" asked Ellen.

"The government built a place for just such an

eventuality," I said. "It is safe, and we have a lot of good people. But we do

have some rules to introduce new people."

"I think I remember reading something about that a

while ago," said Jason. "What kind of rules?"

"Well," I began. "To ensure our safety, the location

of our community is kept secret until we determine that we can trust you."

"And how do you do that?" asked Henry with a puzzled

look on his face.

"Well, we blindfold you prior to heading to our camp.

After three months without incident, if you choose to stay, you are welcomed as

a full member and the location is revealed to you."

They looked at each other and they all seemed to rally

around Ellen.

"I can't do it! No blindfolds! No! No! No!" she

screamed. They consoled and calmed her.

"Is she okay?" I asked. "What's wrong?"

"She's been through an ordeal and blindfolds or

restraints are a bad idea for her," said Jason. "Is there any other way?"

"What about a sedative?" I asked. "I am a doctor."

"A sedative might work," said Jason. "Ellen?..."

Jason explained how he found Ellen in the clutches of

a madman in another department store. He continuously raped her for weeks when

the outbreak first hit. The guy met his demise at the end of Ellen's quick

thinking. When he forced her to orally service him, she bit down. Hard! When he dropped his weapon, she

ended his life. They got out to meet up with a caravan headed to Athens but

were too late. They met the others, who were also too late and had been

traveling together since.

I sent Robert and Ricky back to the ARC to get the

necessary medical supplies from Di. I reassured them again that we meant no

harm and that we only wanted to help. Ellen looked as if she was starting to

display symptoms of Stockholm syndrome. She was very dependent on Jason, as a

savior almost. The others seemed even-tempered though. And it looked like

sparks were beginning to fly between T and Naomi.

"Damn baby girl," said T. "You. Got. It. Going. On!"

"So, do you, daddy" said Naomi as she smacked his butt

and gripped it a little.

"Dayyyyyuuuuummmmm! I think I'm in love," said T. "What's


"Baby you ain't seen nothing yet," said Naomi as she

kissed him long and hard on the mouth.

"Aw shit!" laughed Henry. "He's a male version of


"Don't hate, you big bastard," sneered Naomi. "You had

your chance. Now I got a real man!"

Naomi was what we used to refer to as a 'round the way girl when we were growing

up. She had thick legs, wide shoulders and pronounced buttocks. Her hair was in

cornrow braids covered in a do-rag. She was well put together due to her

bodybuilding days.

"Why are y'all trippin'?" she queried. "It's not like

I fucked him...yet."

"Girl you is crazy," said Marie. "But I ain't mad at

you. Me personally, I'm checking out the little Doc ova here."

"I'm spoken for," I said.

"It's all good, doc!" said Marie. "I don't want to

marry you. Just play house a little."

Marie was just as much of a hood-chick as Naomi. She had on stretch jeans that hugged her firm

bubble buttocks. She was much cuter than Naomi and thinner and smaller in

stature. She had on a shirt tied off at the belly.

I thought to myself, "This could be a problem."

They've been on the road too long and have developed a do as you like attitude. I have to nip this in the bud.

"Even though the world has gone to hell, we still

recognize decorum and the rights and privileges of others," I said. "I mean, we

have children at our base. My mother is there too!"

"Daaaaammmnnn!" said Marie. "He even sound smart! I

gots to get me a piece of dat chocolate!"

I assured Marie that there were more than enough

eligible men in our camp.

After a while, Ricky and Robert returned with the

sedative. I administered it to Ellen and she immediately calmed down. While the

sedative worked through her system, we loaded up on the supplies that we were

there for. I sent Ricky and Robert back with one of the trucks. Once Ellen was

unconscious, we placed hoods on the remaining new members. I looked at my team

and said: "Let's go home."