Chapter - 6 : Revelations and Illusions part - 2


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"I'm sorry to say that I have none, other than what you've been presented with thus far. Your good looks, your abilities, your magic are all traits passed down from me. It doesn't take much intelligence to note these similarities and what they could mean."

"We look alike, we've already come to an agreement on that," Harry conceded. "But I'm still not entirely sold on this magic, it could be a trick or something."

"A trick you've been playing on yourself your entire life?" the man challenged. "You and I both know that the freezing and the vanishing weren't isolated incidents. You're able to do so much more and you have, only you were much more successful at keeping those occurrences secret."

Harry looked slightly taken aback. "How do you know that?"

"Because I know you and I know what you are, Harry. You are magical, in every sense of the word; not just because of the power passed onto you, but because you are my son."

"If I really am your son…if you are my father, why am I not with you? Why am I living with the Dursley's when you're alive and well?"

"It is as I said before," the man said. "I didn't wish to endanger you. I have enemies on many different fronts, some are strangers who would do me harm both because of the family in which I hail and because of my own actions, but others are of my own blood. My father specifically, doesn't wish for me to procreate for various asinine reasons. If he were to know that I had a son he would be…displeased."

"But you could have told me at the very least. I understand the need to remain in disguise but why keep who you were a secret from me?"

"Fear, I suppose. Until this day, only three people knew of your true parentage, two of which are dead and the third is standing right in front of you. I thought it best to keep it that way. I thought that if not even you knew who I truly was to you, the chances of being found out would be slim to none. But then I was confronted with a very ugly truth."

Harry shook his head in confusion, prompting his companion to elaborate.

"These past few years I've done everything to keep your existence a secret, I've used the best disguises, the most powerful cloaking spells in my arsenal and it still wasn't enough. Somehow, my father began to notice that I was disappearing more often than usual, so he had me watched and very nearly discovered where it was I was going. I was forced to stay away until he lost interest and was no longer keeping track of my comings and goings.

"In the two months I was away, I considered what it was I'd done wrong, none of my spells or disguises had faltered and I'd been very careful in spacing our visits out, and yet we'd still nearly been found out. It was only then that I realized that none of it mattered, no matter how careful I am, no matter how many disguises I don or secrets I keep from you, there is always a chance that we'll be discovered. With that realization came the resolution that, when I returned to you, I would stop hiding and tell you of our relation." A rueful smile took over the man's face. "But, of course, you beat me to it."

A slightly suspicious look twisted Harry's features. "So, if I hadn't said anything about being able to see past your disguises, you would have told me anyway?"

"I would have," his maybe-father confirmed. "Though perhaps not all at once, I would have started with revealing that I'd been…watching over you, so to speak, these past few years, then I would have told you about the magic both you and I possessed, and then I'd tell you of who I was to you. I intended to spread it over the course of several visits, break it to you gently, but you obviously had other plans."

Harry hummed softly and idly kicked himself back and forth on the swing as he thought over all that he'd just been told. He had magic, which, all right, wasn't all that hard to believe considering all of the strange things he'd been able to do. What was truly unbelievable was that he had a father, who was alive and well and obviously cared for him quite a bit seeing as he'd risked the wrath of his own terrible sounding father to visit him. He found himself struggling to wrap his head around the far-fetched idea.

"I think I need some time," he told the man. "To think."

"Take as much time as you need, little one, I'll be here when you're ready."

Harry nodded and slowly slid from his perch on the swing. He slowly made his way out toward the street, but stopped just before he stepped onto the sidewalk. "What's your name? What should I call you?"

"I am known as Loki. But what you should call me is entirely up to you."

"All right, well I suppose I'll be seeing you."

The man, Loki, granted him a small smile and a dip of his head. "I certainly hope so."


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