Chapter - 13 : A New Dawn at Privet Drive part - 3


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"That would be fantastic."

"Let's get going then. We have much to do and only a few hours to do it."

Visiting Diagon Alley had been an experience, for both Harry and Loki; never had either of them seen a place so ready and willing to embrace all of the abnormalities that came with being magical. The bank was run by goblins, the wand shop (an actual wand shop) was owned by a frail old man who knew far too much for his own good, the tape measurer at the tailors moved of its own volition, and men and women peddled their outrageously fantastic wares on every corner.

The moment they'd arrived, Loki had urged Harry to pay a visit to the enormous white bank that stood watch over all of Diagon Alley, there the aforementioned goblins (goblins) informed him that, despite the fact that he was not his blood son, James Potter had listed him as the heir to the Potter name and the vault of gold that came with it. The very first thing Harry did with his newly discovered fortune was head over to the magical tailor, Madam Malkin, to commission several robes, trousers, and a few shirts specifically tailored to fit him. He looked forward to tossing Dudley's old hand me downs, shrunken down by Loki to fit him a little better, the moment he returned to his relatives' home.

Their next stop was the strangest pet shop Harry had ever encountered, Eeylops Owl Emporium, and, as their name suggested, their stock seemed to be made up solely of owls. Harry found himself entranced by a beautiful white owl with a pair of intelligent amber eyes, but as owls were meant for post and the only person he would ever write to was, quite literally, worlds away, he allowed her to be snatched up by a dark skinned boy who seemed to be around the same age as him.

Harry bemoaned the loss of such a majestic bird until the moment they stepped into the apothecary where his nose was immediately assaulted by a stench all too similar to that of fermenting fruit. After collecting everything he would need for potions class, they moved on to the wand shop, where the owner, Mr. Ollivander, quite effectively freaked Harry out, and then Flourish and Blotts where they lost almost an hour of daylight perusing their vast collection of texts.

Even after they'd purchased all of his supplies for Hogwarts, Harry and Loki remained to explore the rest of Diagon Alley, taking in all of the wondrously strange items up for sale; they even ducked into the supposedly dark district, Knockturn Alley to take in all that they had to offer.

Dark had long since passed by the time Harry returned to Privet Drive. The Dursleys were still awake, they were all squished on the largest couch in the family room watching some reality program on the telly; however, when he entered the house, they all turned in their seats.

"Where have you been all day?" It seemed his nearly twelve hour absence had made Petunia curious enough to brave interacting with him.

Harry shrugged nonchalantly. "I got my Hogwarts letter today, so I went to pick up a few of my school things."

"You got your what?" Petunia queried stiffly.

"My Hogwarts letter. You know, the one accepting me into Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. I'm sure you're familiar with it, Aunt Petunia."

"How exactly did you pay for your school things?" Vernon asked, eyes narrowed in suspicion. "We certainly didn't provide you any funds to go school shopping."

"I didn't steal your money if that's what you're implying," Harry said with a roll of his eyes. "My parents actually left me a bit of wizarding money for schooling. Not much," he lied. "Pocket change really."

"Funny, we never saw a dime from them."

"Perhaps they had a sneaking suspicion you'd blow it all on frivolous items for everyone but me."

Petunia's face took on its customary sucking on a sour lemon look, but she said nothing in their defense. What could she say? She knew it was true.

"Anyway, as fun as it is trading insults with you lot, I've got to unpack." Harry inclined his head in the direction of his relatives, then headed up the stairs to his bedroom where he intended to remain until September 1st.

Because of the lengths he'd gone to secure an entire day with Harry on his birthday, Loki's visits were limited to less than once every week. And because they had the absolute worst luck, when September 1st rolled around, Loki was unable to accompany Harry to the train due to a function on Vanaheim he was being forced to attend.

Despite being disappointed that his father wouldn't be able to see him off, Harry was still bursting with excitement when an only somewhat reluctant Vernon dropped him off at King's Cross station. The ride to the station had been quiet, peaceful almost, if he didn't know any better, Harry would say his uncle was trying to leave on a good note. But the moment they arrived at the station and the eleven year old had unloaded his trunk from the boot of the car, Vernon sped off grinning and singing gleefully out of the open window.

Harry shook his head, reprimanding himself for the foolish thought. "Goodbye to you too," he muttered as he hefted his trunk onto a trolley and began pushing it in the direction of his platform; Platform 9 ¾. The letter had mention the entrance to the platform was hidden magically, to keep non-magical folk from wandering onto the train to Hogwarts no doubt, but he was able to find the point of entry easily enough. It was hard to miss the teenagers with their strange bulky trunks and caged owls disappearing into a stone barrier.

The platform was crowded with said teens, their parents, and a few younger children; all were exchanging goodbyes, some tearful and others some bordering gleeful. Harry used their distraction to board the train and search out the best place to settle in for the long train ride; he found a suitable resting place near the back of the train where he immediately stowed his trunk before clicking the lock shut and settling down with his potions textbook.


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