Chapter - 18 : The Serpent's Welcome part - 2


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"On your head be it," the teen said before departing just as quickly as he'd appeared.

Higgs shook his head in disgust before returning his attention to the group of assembled first years. "The Slytherin common rooms are in the dungeons, beneath the Black Lake. There's a sizeable distance between the common room and the classrooms, but we'll show you the best routes to take tomorrow, time it right and you'll be just fine making it to class on time."

As they filed from the hall, Draco stepped closer to Harry's side so that he was able to speak to him without being overheard by the prefects. "That was Adrian Pucey, he's a third year. His father was one of the Death Eaters caught after You-Know-Who's fall and locked up in Azkaban."

"So I suppose it's safe to say he's among the group that's not all that thrilled I've been sorted into Slytherin."

"I would say so."

Harry sighed wearily. He'd hoped that coming to Hogwarts would allow him a fresh start, he'd hoped he'd be able to surround himself with people who didn't hate him for things he had no control over. But it seemed he was just a really easy person to unjustifiably hate.

Higgs and his female companion led them through the castle's halls, pointing out which staircases moved when one was halfway up, which doors needed to be asked politely to open and which just needed a solid kick to the frame, and which routes to take to avoid being late for class. By the time they reached the common room and explained how to enter, it had been nearly a half hour since the end of the feast, but before they were allowed to head up to their dormitories the prefects set them beside the fire for what was meant to be a short discussion on what they should expect from the impending school year.

The female prefect, Amare Farley, smiled kindly at the first years as she settled down on the couch directly opposite him. "Welcome to Slytherin house, for the next seven years we," she gestured to herself and the collection of older years still milling about the common room, "are your family, your mentors, your guides. Slytherin has long since had a reputation for producing not anything other than the dark wizards who have proved to be nothing more than a stain on our society, it is our job to dispel that notion, to show them that cunning doesn't mean deception, ambition will not lead to a desire to rule the world. If we find you have a need for it, we will instruct you on how to conduct yourselves both in and outside of classes in order to earn the respect our house deserves."

"What if there are some among is who are unteachable?" a pretty blonde, first year queried.

"No one is unteachable," Higgs said. "Only the lazy and uninspired hold such a belief."

"No, she's right." The third year from the feast, Adrian Pucey, was lingering just outside of the ring of first years. "Not everyone can be taught."

"Before you is a prime example of such a lazy and uninspired person," Higgs drawled. "I'm growing tired of your interruptions, Pucey. If you have something to say, say it."

Pucey shrugged the older Slytherin's insult off as if he hadn't even heard it. "It's only, we've received one or two students this year that quite obviously don't belong. It doesn't matter how good the teacher is, a weasel can't be taught how to be a snake, he will, in the end, always only be pretending."

Harry heaved a quiet sigh and cut Higgs off before he could formulate a response. "I think it's high time you stopped attempting to talk your way around what you're really trying to say. You have an issue with me being sorted into Slytherin, I can hazard a few guesses why, so why not say it and be done already?"

"Potter…" Farley said warningly.

Harry shook his head at the older girl. "I'd like to hear this, if it's all the same to you. I intend to be here for the next seven years, so I believe it's only prudent to get this all straightened out now." He turned back to Pucey. "What issue do you have with me being sorted into Slytherin?"

"You don't belong. Slytherin has a reputation to uphold, having you as a member of our house would only tarnish that."

"I thought it was the exact opposite," Harry countered. "Prefect Farley said not even five minutes ago that it is our job to dissuade the belief that Slytherin is a breeding ground for Dark Wizard. What better way to achieve that than to have the Boy-Who-Lived himself join your ranks?"

"Yes, there's that," Pucey said dismissively. "But even with the shadow of some of our alumni's…poor choices hanging over us, Slytherin house is still known for producing some of the most clever, capable, and ambitious wizards of our world. Can you honestly say you possess any of those traits?"

"In spades," Harry said without a moment's hesitation. "Can you? Because, looking at you I see…mediocrity. At best. From our first encounter in the Great Hall, I found myself rather underwhelmed by your presence. From your horribly unsubtle digs and graceless attempts to insert yourself in the conversation I can tell that your opposition to my placement in Slytherin runs much deeper than you claim. Perhaps it's because my defeat of Lord Voldemort saw a relative of yours put in Azkaban? Was it a grandparent? Maybe even a parent? My guess would be your father." Pucey twitched agitatedly. "If that's so maybe you should turn your blame to a more deserving party, like the man who so foolishly aligned himself with the so called dark wizard who couldn't even kill a one year old without being blasted from existence."

"I would watch my tongue if I were you," Pucey said dangerously, his fingers caressed the handle of his wand. "You know nothing of what you're talking about, so unless you wish to end up cold in the ground like your blood traitor father and mudblood mother, you best be quiet and learn to respect your betters.


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