Chapter - 20 : Breaking Traditions


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"Where are you going, Potter?" Draco asked. "The Slytherin table is that way."

"I knowwhere the Slytherin table is, Draco," Harry replied. "And how many times do I have to tell you to call me, Harry. Not this Potter nonsense?"

"How many more times do I have to tell you that I have not given you permission to refer to me by my first name?"

"At least once more, as always,"

"If we're not going to Slytherin table, Potter-Harry," Blaise amended when he saw the petulant glare aimed his way, "then where are we going?"

"To the Ravenclaw table, of course. We're going to sit with Hermione."

"But we're not in Ravenclaw," Draco protested.

Harry looked pointedly at his silver and green tie. "I'm well aware of that, Draco," he said, "but Hermione is. I did say we were sitting with her. It's not against the rules, is it?"

"Well, no-"

"Good." The raven haired boy crossed the last few feet to the Ravenclaw table and plopped down on the bench next to his bushy haired friend. "Hello, Hermione."

The brunette, who had been engrossed in a thick textbook before his abrupt arrival, startled in her seat. "Oh, hello Harry, Draco, and…"

"Blaise," the dark skinned boy introduced himself. "I'm Blaise Zabini."

"Pleased to meet you, Blaise, I'm Hermione Granger. What are you guys doing here? The Slytherin table is over there."

"So I've been told," Harry sighed. "Has it not occurred to you that we're here because of you? You're my friend aren't you? And friends usually sit together during meals."

"Oh," Hermione flushed lightly, "I've never had a friend before."

"Neither have I," Harry grinned. "Isn't it exciting?"

"Are we still friends?" Now it was Harry's turn to startle and turn in his seat; he hadn't even heard Ron and Neville's approach over the general bustle of the Great Hall.

He cocked his head curiously at Ron, the one who had spoken. "Why wouldn't we be?"

Ron nervously shuffled where he stood. "Well, you know Slytherin and Gryffindors don't usually get along. They've got a bit of a rivalry going."

"Do you want to be rivals?" Harry frowned.

"No! No, I…I just wasn't sure you didn't want to be."

"We're still friends Ron. Will you and Neville be joining us for lunch?"

The redhead visibly wilted in relief as both he and Neville hurried to seat themselves among the small group. "Yeah, of course."

"Brilliant. Now I believe introductions are in order…"

Harry broke away from his group, sometime after dinner and less than an hour before curfew. He was careful to avoid being spotted as he crossed the grounds and ducked into the Forbidden Forest, where Loki was waiting only just past the treeline.

"You managed to get past the wards without any problems?" Harry asked as he accepted a hug from his father.

Loki snorted, amused by the mere notion that any wards could keep him out for long, especially those erected by mortals. "None at all," he said. "Your first day of classes was today. How did it go?"

Harry's face immediately lit up and he launched into a minute by minute retelling of his day. Loki oohed and awed at all the right points, genuinely interested in his son's words but unable to remain completely focused when faced with Harry's brilliant smile and infectious happiness. He wasn't sure he'd ever seen him so full of light, not even when they'd met in their hiding spot at the abandoned grocers, the reminder that he'd be returning to the Dursley's where he was quietly loathed in only a few hours' time never failed to dim the spark in his eye.

Every reminder of the tragedy that was Harry's childhood drove a spike into his heart, made even worse with the realization that the hard times were far from over. Harry had much in his future, not all of it good; there would be death and betrayal and pain, so much pain. Loki wanted nothing more than to take him to Asgard, where he would be happy and loved and safe. But he couldn't, not while the question of Harry's mortality remained unanswered. Harry's blood sang of the strength and longevity of an Asgardian but with all of the fragility of a mortal, the way Loki read it. Harry could live for thousands upon thousands of years or he could die within a hundred; still just a babe compared to the years he had endured. But just the mention of his boy dying brought his heart to his throat and made him feel as if he were slowly suffocating, it was not a thought he could dwell upon for long.

Never had he deluded himself into believing that, of all the children he'd birthed and sired, Harry was his favorite. He loved Harry the most only because he was the only child he'd been given the chance to know and raise without his father's influence clouding his judgement. Perhaps if he'd been given the chance to know the others for more than the scant few years he'd had, he would have felt the same depth of emotion he felt for Harry. But he hadn't, and so the only thing he felt in regards to his older children was a detached sort of wistfulness and deep regret. He would not allow the same fate to befall his son.

"It seems you've had quite an eventful first day," Loki smiled once Harry had run out of things to talk about. "Play your cards right and those children you've befriended will be friends for a lifetime."

"You think so?" Harry asked hopefully. He'd never had any real friends, even after Dudley had stopped tormenting anyone who had shown an interest in being his friend, none of the children had seemed all that eager to befriend him. They could likely sense that he was different, more than human, and so wanted nothing to do with him.

"Oh, I know so. They're well suited for you."

"Even Malfoy?"

"Especially Malfoy. You said it yourself, all he needs is the chance to grow into his own and he'll prove to be the very best sort of friend."

"I suppose I wouldn't mind that," Harry acquiesced, he'd take whatever friends he could get. "He's a bit of a pompous git, but it's starting to grow on me. Ron hates his guts though."


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