Chapter - 26 : Unseen and Unheard


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"Please, Dad. Trust me."

Loki's entire body seemed to deflate. "I'm just trying to keep you safe," he said solemnly. "If something were to happen to you, I would never forgive myself."

"You can't protect me forever."

"I know," Loki sighed heavily. "All right, I'll allow you to stay, but we'll be increasing your training this summer. It's time I taught you how to properly defend yourself."

Harry beamed and threw his arms around Loki's neck in a crushing hug. "Thank you."

"Anything for you, little trickster," he murmured, pressing a kiss to his son's head as he tried to ignore the feeling of trepidation settling in his gut.

Harry was released from the hospital wing in just enough time attend the leaving feast where he cheered along with the rest of Slytherin house when they won the house cup for the seventh year in a row. And then the year was over. Wardrobes were emptied, trunks were packed, and pets were found, all of the students received and promptly disregarded notes warning them not to use magic over the holidays, then Hagrid took them down to the fleet of boats that sailed across the lake and they boarded the Hogwarts Express. The train ride was spent talking and laughing as the countryside became greener, eating Bettie Botts Every Flavor Beans as they sped past Muggle towns, and pulling off their wizard robes and putting on jackets and coats just before the train pulled into platform nine and three-quarters at King's Cross Station.

Harry reluctantly said goodbye to his friends, thanked Mrs. Weasley for the hand-knit sweater and fudge she'd gifted him for Christmas, then approached his relatives, all of whom looked appropriately horrified at the mere sight of him. They grunted at him in greeting, then turned swiftly and marched to the car, not even bothering to offer their help or to even see if he was following.

Harry spared one last wave and a grim smile to his friends before following the Dursley's to the car. The hour long trip to Little Whinging was spent in near complete silence, broken only by the low hum of the engine and Vernon's occasional rants at slow drivers. When they finally pulled up to Privet Drive the Dursley's hurried up the drive and left Harry to haul his things up to his bedroom. After his trunk was placed neatly at the foot of his bed, Harry collapsed onto his bed and stared glumly up at the ceiling.

"There's no place like home."

"Now, as we all know, today, is a very important day."

Harry transferred his attention from his plate of bacon and eggs to his uncle, who was sitting at the head of the table, trying to look important. He knew he wasn't talking about his birthday, which just so happened to be today, but he still found himself mildly interested. The month or so he'd been home had been horribly boring, he'd take just about anything to help liven it up.

"This could very well be the day I make the biggest deal of my career."

Ah, that was it, how could he have forgotten? Vernon had only been talking of nothing else for the past two weeks. Some rich builder and his wife were coming to dinner and Uncle Vernon was hoping to get a huge order from him. He and Petunia had planned every moment of the visit down to the very second to ensure they came off in the best light possible; Petunia was to play the part of the beautiful housewife, graciously welcoming their guests into her home the moment they entered the lounge, whilst Dudley was to be the charming little cherub with the best of manners and an endearing idolization of Vernon's client, Mr. Mason. Harry, of course, was to remain in his room where he was meant to pretend as if he didn't exist, but that was more than fine by him; the last thing he wanted to do the night of his birthday was to take part in his relative's circus act. He was more than content to watch their complete failure from afar. Of course, he couldn't let the Dursley's know that, he didn't want to make their lives easy.

"I can't make any promises about this whole out of sight, out of mind thing," he told Vernon. "It really just depends on how accommodating I'm feeling."

"I'll prepare you a dinner all for yourself," Petunia offered stiffly. "Roast beef and Yorkshire pudding and a slice of banoffee pie…for your birthday."

"That would do it, I'd think," Harry conceded. "I was never able to turn away a slice of banoffee pie."

After polishing off the last of his breakfast, Harry left the house in search of something interesting to do; the abandoned grocer's he and Loki often spent their time had been torn down sometime during the school year to make room for some sort of shopping complex. Harry's new favorite haunt was the library a few streets away from Privet Drive, the librarians were nice enough and, even though he didn't have a card to actually check the books out, he was able to read as much as he wanted in the air conditioned building.

He returned to Number Four a few minutes before five; Petunia was in the kitchen, putting the final touches on that evening's dinner, but she paused in her work long enough to hand Harry a plate laden with his promised meal and dessert as well a cool bottle of water.

Humming softly, Harry took his food up to his bedroom, but froze in the act of closing the door when he caught sight the odd creature sitting on his bed. The little creature had large, bat-like ears, bulging green eyes the size of tennis balls, and a long, thin nose. Harry noticed that it was wearing what looked like an old pillowcase, with rips for arm and leg-holes. He recognized it from his text on magical creatures as a house elf.


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