Chapter - 43 : The True Face of Authority part - 3


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Madam Bones sighed and ran a hand wearily over her face. "If we are to resolve this issue we need to get Sirius Black to the Ministry, but first we need to persuade the Minister and the Wizengamot to allow the trial."

"Once we know that the Ministry won't arrest him on sight, convincing Mr. Black to show up shouldn't be all that hard."

"But we don't know that Ministry won't arrest him on sight."

"Oh, that can be easily rectified. As a matter of fact, once I'm done presenting my argument the trial will be merely a formality. Sirius will be freed by the end of the month."

"What do you have planned, Mr. Potter?"

Harry smiled broadly. "Would you happen to have a pensieve I could borrow?"

"Good morning, Sirius!"

The escaped convict glared at his entirely too cheerful best friend as he shuffled into the kitchen and collapsed at the somewhat clean table.

After Dumbledore's possible betrayal, Sirius had stuck around at the Shrieking Shack long enough for Remus to hand in his letter of resignation and pack his belongings, before both men made their way to the one place Sirius had swore never to go back to. His childhood home, Grimmauld Place.

It was a horrible place, dark and filthy with loud, rude, and nosy portraits taking up most of the wall space, and infested with vermin and mad house elves. But with the extensive wards on the house, not all of them light, it was perhaps the safest place for Sirius to be.

"This should wake you up," Remus said, placing a mug full of steaming coffee on the table in front of Sirius.

"You are my hero, Moony," Sirius exclaimed, gulping down half the cup of scalding liquid in one go. "Just how I like it," he sighed, "black as my soul."

Behind him, Remus rolled his eyes mouthed the words right along with him. The amount of times Sirius said the phrase when presented with a cup of coffee was ridiculous.

"We got something from Harry. Two letters, one for each of us." Remus held up his already opened letter. "Mine didn't say much, but Harry seemed pretty excited and told me to be with you when you opened yours."

Sirius snatched up the letter Remus slid across the table and eagerly tore it open. His eyes darted across the paper greedily reading every word written in his godson's neat scrawl.

Remus watched as, the further into the letter Sirius got, the more astounded he looked and the brighter his eyes got with what he could only assume to be unshed tears. "Sirius?" he asked worriedly. "Has something happened?"


"He what, Sirius?" Remus hurried around the table to stand beside his friend. "Is Harry all right?"

"He-he went to the Ministry and gave them his memories of what happened the night we captured Peter," Sirius whispered. "He managed to persuade the Wizengamot to give me the trial I was denied thirteen years ago."

Abandoning all tact, Remus snatched the letter from Sirius hand and quickly read it over. It was exactly as Sirius had said. Harry had gone to Amelia Bones, the Head of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement, a woman renowned for being unwaveringly fair, and brought to her attention the fact that Sirius had never received a trial. After that, he requested a pensieve and displayed the memory that as good as proved Sirius' innocence first to her, then to the Wizengamot, who, according to Harry, were now falling over themselves to right the wrong done to him.

"Do you think it's true?" Sirius whispered. "Is that really from Harry? Do I really have the chance to be free?"

"It has to be. Harry wouldn't joke about something like this."

"But what if it isn't from Harry? What if I go to the Ministry expecting to attend the trial that could make me a free man, only to have a dozen aurors waiting to capture me and cart my sorry arse back to Azkaban?"

Remus hesitated, unsure what to say because what if it was true? What if it was all a clever hoax to apprehend Sirius?

"Kreacher has the morning paper for blood traitor master."

Sirius jumped in his seat and swore at the elf's sudden appearance. "Stop popping up without warning me," he snapped. "You're going to make my heart leap right out of my chest if you keep with that."

"Kreacher could only be so lucky."

Sirius glared at the house elf, but Kreacher simply glared back as he threw the newspaper on the table before popping out of the room.

"That things a menace," Sirius grumbled. "I should just chop his head off and be done with him already."

"We have more important things to deal with than a crazy old house elves at the moment," Remus said, reaching for the newspaper. "Like finding out if that letter is real, for-oh!"

Sirius straightened to full attention in his seat. "Oh? What oh? Why are you saying oh?"

A wide eyes Remus turned the Daily Prophet around so that the front page was facing Sirius. In enormous bold, black words was a single statement that caused the ex-convicts heart to skip a beat.

Sirius Black Innocent?

Recently acquired evidence has brought one of the most infamous cases of the wizarding world under the scrutinization of several high ranking law enforcement officials and even the Wizengamot themselves.

Thirteen years ago, only hours after the defeat of He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named, Sirius Black was imprisoned in Azkaban for the murder of twelve muggles and one wizard, but July of last year Black became the first ever wizard to escape Azkaban. Many believed that he had broken out with the intention of killing the wizard who had defeated his master when he was still just a baby, Harry Potter.

But what if there was more to the tale than what we were led to believe? What if Sirius Black broke out of Azkaban, not to avenge his master, but to prove his innocence?

Sirius exhaled heavily and leaned back heavily in his chair, too overwhelmed to continue reading the article. "This is really happening," he said.


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