Chapter - 74 : Lessons in Leadership part - 3


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"If it was could you really blame me?"

Before she could respond, the pub was suddenly flooded with light when the door opened and students began filing in. Harry watched as Ginny and Luna entered and slid in the booth beside him, they were soon followed by Fred and George, and their friend Lee Jordan, then Parvati and Padma Patil with Lavender Brown, Cho Chang and one of her giggly friends, and Cedric Diggory. After them came a group of Hufflepuffs that consisted of Hannah Abbott, Susan Bones, and Justin Finch-Fletchley, but after Dennis and Colin Creevey, and the entire Gryffindor Quidditch team entered the pub. Harry looked away to calm his churning stomach. In the end, over four dozen people showed up, a good amount from every house and year aside, there was even a good amount of Slytherins present.

It took a bit of rearranging, but eventually everyone was able to find a seat facing the original group of Harry, Hermione, Blaise, Neville, Ron, and Draco.

"Could we have," Harry paused to do a quick headcount, "fifty-three butterbeers?"

The stunned bartender glared at Harry for a few seconds, before barking out. "Six galleons and two sickles."

Harry handed over the required amount, then began to help the bartender and a few others pass the butterbeer to everyone. Once everyone received their drinks, Harry settled back in his seat and waited for Hermione to begin.

"Er, well…er…hi," she stuttered somewhat nervously. Immediately all attention was focused on her. "Well, I'm going to just come right out and say it, this year's Defense class has been nothing short of a joke; Umbridge is a fool if she believes that her ridiculous method of hands off learning will actually work." This garnered several surprised looks as Hermione was known to have the upmost respect for authority, teachers in particular. "If we continue on the path we're going, not only will we fail our end of year exams, and for older students, our O.W.L.s and N.E.W.T.s, the tests that will determine our futures, but we will also be woefully unprepared for the real world because…well because Voldemort is back."

The reactions to the statement were disappointingly predictable; several students sloshed butterbeer down themselves, and near everyone else at least shuddered at both the name and the bold declaration, but Hermione didn't allow the reactions to deter her. "So that's why my friends and I," she gestured to the small group sitting in the center of the mass of students, "decided that we want to do something about it. It started with the idea of only the six of us on self-studying, but it soon became something more. If everything goes to plan, by the end of the year all of us will be able to defend ourselves, and even others, against those who wish to do us harm." Hermione glanced at the adults who all seemed to be listening just as attentively as the students. "And, in due time, maybe more."

Hermione looked around nervously at the group of students. "Well, that's basically our plan. So if you're interested in joining us, we'll need-"

"Where's the proof You-Know-Who's back?" a blonde Hufflepuff Harry faintly recognized as being Zacharias Smith asked rather aggressively.

Harry and his friends exchanged glances, they knew that this would be a likelihood that some, or even most, of the students present would have come in hopes of hearing firsthand what happened the night of the third task. They had discussed all sorts of ways to handle the situation and had come up with a plan of action. The fifth years however, hadn't counted on a certain Hufflepuff stepping in before they could enact said plan.

"I think Harry's word is proof enough," Cedric answered Smith before Harry or his friends could say anything else. "But if it isn't, take mine as well. I was there that night, maybe not for the entire thing, but I saw enough. Someone tried to kill me, almost succeeded as a matter of fact." Cho gripped Cedric's hand tightly. "A Killing Curse was headed straight at me, there was no way I would have been able to dodge it, but Harry saved me, he could have died, but he did it anyway. I owe him my life."

"So that's why you believe him?" Smith scoffed. "Out of a sense of duty?"

"No," Cedric refuted. "I believe him because the events that he said took place in that graveyard that night, they're horrible, and if-when they prove to be true, people are going to die, lives will be destroyed, so why in the hell would Harry lie about something like that?"

"Because he's mad, that's why!" Smith exclaimed. "That scar on his head has addled his brains."

"Now, hold on you-"

"No, Ron," Harry said calmly, "let me." The dark haired teenager stood from his seat and stared directly at Smith. "Look at me," he said. "Look me dead in the eyes and then try and tell me I'm mad again."

Smith didn't even last five seconds before he looked away from Harry's piercing green eyes, sufficiently cowed. He sat back down and didn't utter another word.

"If any of you came here hoping for a story, then I suggest you leave now." Harry cast his hard gaze over the silent teenagers. "I did not come here today to entertain fools and skeptics, I came in hopes of arming my peers with the means to defend themselves. I don't have the patience to deal with a bunch of cynics. If you don't want to believe Voldemort is back, then don't. I'm not here to persuade you, but when he returns and threatens the safety of your families, remember that you had an opportunity to learn how to keep them safe and you chose to walk away.

"So with that being said, to all my skeptics," he raised a hand and pointed to the exit, "there's the door."


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