Chapter - 82 : Blood Quill and Rebellion part - 2


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"How in the world did you recognize us?" Remus asked after pulling away from the hug.

"Tonks always goes for the more exotic eye colors. And your glamour isn't near as strong as you'd think."

"Dumbledore put it up," the werewolf replied flatly.

"Glamours obviously aren't his forte."

"I think his glamours are plenty fine," Tonks laughed. "It's you that's the problem, kiddo."

Harry grinned and shrugged. "Maybe. Anyway, you both have met Neville already you met the others third year, Remus, so introductions are mostly for Tonks. Tonks, meet two of my best friends and fellow Slytherins, Draco Malfoy and Blaise Zabini."

Draco nodded cordially and Blaise granted her a warm smile. "A pleasure."

Tonks grinned without a hint of prejudice in her features. "Likewise."

"Now that introductions are through, I think we should get out of here, it's not safe to linger and I know for a fact Sirius has been climbing up the walls waiting for you to arrive."

"Why didn't he just come with you then?"

"We both agreed it would be best if he didn't come along, his presence would attract attention which would kind of ruin the whole objective of retrieving you lot quickly and quietly."

"Well, then let's get going, we don't want to keep him waiting for much longer."

"Right." Remus defied the laws of physics by pulling a bright red Frisbee from his pocket and holding it out to the collection of teenagers. "Grab on everyone," he said. "We're gone in three…two…one."

The nauseating sensation of being yanked from his feet by his navel overtook Harry, and the world sped by in bursts of dizzying colors and sounds, he only just managed to keep his balance when the portkey dumped them in the courtyard of Grimmauld Place. The others weren't so lucky.

"Why didn't we just portkey right into the house?" Neville asked as Harry helped him to his feet.

"Draco and Blaise need to receive the secret first." Remus fished slips pieces of paper from his pocket and handed it to the two teens. They glanced down at them in confusion, then up at the suddenly visible townhouse in surprise.

"Clever," Draco muttered.

"I'm glad you think so," Tonks said happily, herding everyone up to the front door. She tapped her wand against the door and the plethora of bolts could be heard unlocking from inside. "In you go."

The group was barely able to file into the house and close the door behind them before Harry was suddenly attacked by a monstrous black dog.

"Bloody hell, Padfoot," Harry cried, falling to the ground under the weight of his godfather's monstrous form. The animal let out several thundering barks and licked Harry from chin to forehead. "Get off of me, you brute. You're too heavy to be playing lapdog."

The animagus seamlessly shifted from canine to human. "How about now?" Sirius asked, resting his entire weight onto Harry.

The teen hefted his excitable godfather off of him and onto the floor with a soft grunt, then climbed to his feet. "A little warning would be great next time, Moony," he scowled.

Remus chuckled. "I'm quite sure I did, on the platform, remember?"

"You told me that he was climbing the walls waiting for us, not lurking in the entrance hall waiting to pounce."

"But it's so hard to catch you off guard, Prongslet," Sirius whined. "I took my chance and it was worth it."

"I'm glad to note you haven't grown up a bit since the last time I saw you."

"Me too," the dog animagus agreed wholeheartedly. "That would have been terrible."

"Merlin forbid that ever happen. Anyway," Harry forcefully turned his godfather to face his friends, "you've spent extensive time with Neville this summer, so no introductions needed there, and just in case you've forgotten them from the last time you saw them, this is Blaise and Draco."

Sirius scowled at them good naturedly. "The Slytherins, I'm sure dear old mum will be pleased." Sirius glanced at the portrait that had, thus far, been suspiciously quiet. "Hey, you still in Slytherin, Harry?"

"Yes, Padfoot," the teen sighed. "I was still a Slytherin the last time you asked me, I'm still a Slytherin now and I reckon I'll still be a Slytherin the next time you ask me."

"Just checking."

"If you're done checking, do you mind letting us know who's sharing with whom so we can put our stuff up?"

"Right," Remus piped in. "Neville and Ron will be where they were last summer, Draco and Blaise will be right across the hall from them, and you've already got your own room set up. Would you like us to escort you or…?"

"Go relax, Nev and I know the way."

"All right, if you're sure." Sirius clapped Harry's shoulder. "Ron, Ginny, and the twins are waiting for you upstairs."

"Got it, come on you guys." Harry herded his friends up the stairs and, after three quick stops at Ron, Ginny, and the twin's respective bedrooms, they settled down in Harry's bedroom.

"So what happened?" Harry asked. "Your letter was vague at best, Ron."

"Sorry, mate, but I couldn't risk saying any more than I did, just in case the letter was intercepted." Ron apologized. "Dad was taking his turn guarding something for the Order, we think it was the weapon they mentioned earlier, but he fell asleep and was attacked by You-Know-Who's snake. What was her name again?"


"Right, Nagini. She bit him a couple of times, then slithered off to do whatever she'd been sent there to do."

"So the snake wasn't there for your father?" Draco asked.

"No," Ginny said. "She was there for something else, probably the same weapon Dad was supposed to be guarding."

"So their meeting was no coincidence?"

"We don't think so."

Harry sighed and flopped back on his pillows. "Do you think I could pull the same stunt I did this summer and coerce them into giving us a bit more information?"

"Probably not," Fred said mournfully. "They were willing to give us the general information before, but this is much more specific and seems a bit more hush hush."


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