Not Worth Wasting Your Strength On

"Start talking and hurry," Alexa said harshly,

"I wanted to know what my offence was that you are beginning to hate me and treat me like a stranger, like just look at the way you spoke to me just now, you never talked to me like this before, and I don't know what I have done to make you angry like this, but please forgive, I'm so sorry and I promise never to to do it again, I miss the way you used to talk to me and be free with me, can't we make that happen again, please," Edward pleaded, if it was in her previous life that Edward said such things to her, she would immediately forget whatever it is that he did wrong and hugged him, but this time she already knows what will happen if she allows herself to fall for his once in a blue moon, kind and caring behavior,

"If you are done can you leave me alone, I would definitely like to go to sleep, if you are so caring to notice, you will notice that I am not feeling so good,"

"No Alexa, I will not go unless you give me an answer," Edward said and then he tried to raise Alexa's head from the desk, but Alexa stubbornly refuse and in the process, Alexa bumps her head on her desk and she let out a small cry,

"Ouch," Edward panicked and try to apologize by petting Alexa's head, but his hand was held in a tight grip, he looked at the owner of the strong hand it Mark, he had been sitting there, he overhead their conversation and when he heard Alexa's scream, he just couldn't help it and held Edward's hand from touching Alexa again,

"Hey new kid, get your hands off me," Edward said annoyed, but Mark didn't budge, making Edward more angry, and he tried dragging his hand, but it was of no use, Mark's grip was so strong almost as if he wanted to squash his hand, then Edward began to panic, but he didn't show it,

" Do you know who I am, get your hands off me," Edward yelled angrily, planning on attracting attention of any teacher passing by, but luck was not on his side,

"Do I look like I care? You didn't listen to her when she said you should leave her alone, so why would I listen to you?" Mark asked coldly, emitting a cold and dangerous aura, and he tightened his grip more on Edward's hand and he yelled in pain, almost forgetting to keep to hide his pain, then Alexa suddenly stood up, Edward thought she would immediately scold Mark, but he was so mistaking, Alexa just placed her hands on Mark's shoulder and said softly, but enough for everyone in the class, who was watching the drama to hear and leave them in shock,

" Leave him, his not worth wasting your strength on," Alexa said and everyone gasped and Edward was utterly shocked, that even when Mark let go of his hand it was frozen in air, as he stared at Alexa in shock, and then Mark took Alexa's hand and went out of the class, leaving everyone in shock.