Purple Forest

Ophelia still in shock took a step back, two steps back, three steps back and stopped.

"This is bad that I'm supposed to do, this is definitely caused by a plant, do we contaminate ourselves with pollen?" Are they spores of any fungus?

"Stupid, that's why the sunset was purple from the beginning, and you didn't realize it, all kinds of plants and accidents had to touch us with the worst color of all" she said scared.

"Calm down, Ophelia, remember what Caspian said that rock magic and plant magic are very similar in their properties, but not in their treatment."

"What do I do?" "i only know about magic rocks."

PUM another big rumble was heard, coming from the forest. At that moment Ophelia closed her eyes and with a great leap, entered the territory of the forest. She opened her eyes and nothing had attacked her yet, so determined, she went into the forest in search of the owner.

She walked with a slight tremor in her legs, she could not hide her fear and was attentive to every plant of an intense violet, the light purple grass, the trunks of the trees of an almost bluish violet, the dust that the wind of a reddish violet lifted, all that did nothing but confuse her and in a moment she realized that she was lost, she turned in all directions, but I can not see anything that anchored her or gave her a sense of orientation only purple everywhere.

She continued walking, hoping to reach the other side of the forest, which should be the same size as the town where she came from, until her backpack got stuck with the branch of a small bush, Ophelia pulled her backpack hard by the nerves, splitting the branch in two at once, which caused the bush to open one of the small cocoons it had and expel as a jet of water, orange spores, which dyed the air an orange color, Ophelia closed her eyes and backed up, but a burning in her nose was present.

Ophelia with her eyes closed turned around and tried to run, but she stumbled right away and suddenly I hear BOOM, so loud that it hurt her ears, she opened her eyes and the air was so contaminated with spores that it seemed that there was now an orange filter through her eyes. Her pupils were painted a reddish color that was diluted by the water in her eyes, the veins inside her swollen, at the same time that she felt her throat close, and the burning, became present overloaded all her senses, she felt so many things at the same time, pain, regret, doubt, anger, sadness that paradoxically she felt nothing, a feeling of apathy dominated her at that moment.

"Just hold on to the pain and keep going" Ophelia said to herself.

She continued walking, it seemed as if from one moment to another the forest came to life, the plants and trees reacted to her presence, because near her every so often they expelled new spores, as if they tried to drown her with their own air, the air had become contaminated, the slow breathing, but heavy made so much noise that Ophelia numbed her own ear, which was bad news when you walked with your eyes almost closed and on the ground. The heavy air, constant with spores so light that only a few had fallen to the ground since they were first released, the spores in the air were so many that they seemed like a constant rain that they painted the hair and skin of the protagonist like drops of paint all over her body. Until in an outburst Ophelia screamed.

"Enough!" she scream enraged. "Is there anyone there?" answered a voice in the distance. "Yes there is anyone" Ophelia answered more calmly and with her eyes closed. "Where are you?" Ophelia asked. " I don't know I'm blind me" he replied. "Okay just try to follow my voice." Ophelia said calmly, but in a loud voice. "Okay, don't move" the stranger answered.

Ophelia stood still, closed her eyes and just listened to everything around her, but her still-closed throat made her keep forcing her breath and numbing herself.

"Sir, I will also advance towards your position, please keep making noise." Ophelia shouted.

Ophelia walked and the rustling of the leaves she stepped on could be heard.

"Excuse me sir, are you the owner of a wagon that was driving towards the city?" asked Ophelia.

"Yes I was carrying food and towards the neighboring city, but suddenly the horses began to behave strangely and in a matter of a blink I appeared in the sunset in this field with the purple sunset."

"Don't you know if something strange happened before?" Ophelia said. "Because this is a magical mishap, I don't notice anything strange in sight."

As Ophelia said this she got down on her knees and started crawling to try to avoid the spores as much as possible.

"Magic? That's impossible, I'm not a magician and I don't have enemies who are magicians either" the lord exclaimed.

A burst of spores could be heard in the distance, while the voice for Ophelia was getting closer and closer.

"Listen, you must pay more attention along the way," Ophelia exclaimed. "Caspian told me that, although the crops of magical plants are controlled by the government, sometimes magical plants grow out of nowhere in new places, and since their effects are not naturally controlled, they end up bewitching people who pass near them."

She kept walking until he stopped feeling the grass and started feeling dirt in his hands, which was a good sign.

"Who is Caspian?" said the lord aloud. "And if we were bewitched by accidents, how did we break free?"

The lord's voice was slowly moving away.

"Sir I hear your voice farther I tried to go in the opposite direction!" shout. "Caspian said that the effects vary depending on the way the magical toxin enters the body in talking about plant life, how we breathe it, maybe the effects have even reached the brain."

"But there is a way to counteract it, with other plants, but I don't know how to do it, I specialize in minerals and rocks," she said somewhat discouraged.

PUM was heard so close and suddenly the man stopped responding.

"Sir is okay?" wait a moment "Mr.?" there was no answer. "Oh no this is bad, very bad."

Ophelia with the calmest breath, opened her backpack, took out the dehydrated rose and with her eyes still half closed hit a nearby bush to cause another shower of spores, put the rose at the height of her face and like ash falling from the sky, the spores covered one by one the petals of the rose.

And little by little it began to recover its color until it reacts with its environment in a violent way, causing an explosion of petals that, when extended through the small forest, ended up rendering all the surrounding vegetation unarmed.

Ophelia on the ground, with her hand numbed, got up and with her deteriorated vision, walked a couple of steps, until she found the man fainted from the excess of spores and with orange skin, due to his overexposure to them. Ophelia carried the lord by one arm and took him out of the forest, they crossed the dirt roads, the empty houses, the potholes in the road. Everything looked avoided seemed to want to prevent his departure, but Ophelia remained firm and slowly managed to escape and return to the field.

Where suddenly a rain began from one moment to the next, causing all the spores that were still seen in the air to fall to the ground, the illusion of the town and the forest disappeared, the rain cleaned the skin of Ophelia and her companion, and forced the black bird that was still flying everywhere to land on the ground.

The bird approached Ophelia in search of shelter, she taking advantage of the fact that she could not fly, kicked it and stomped on its head, leaving a red spot on the ground. Ophelia was shocked, she did not know why there was one, it was as if her body had revealed itself before her mind and by a unilateral decision she decided to do what she did.

But then the purple sunset began to gradually disappear, just as the lord on her right side evaporated and she gradually regained her strength, until she closed her eyes and when she opened them again she was again lying in the wagon.

He got up in a hurry, jumping low from the wagon and regardless of whether it was raining Ophelia looked everywhere for the flower, held his glasses and moved his head from side to side desperately, until he located the purple fungus hidden in the grass, less than five meters from the carriage. Ophelia ran at full speed, towards the mushroom and with a jump she crushed it, putting her two feet together.

I turned to see the carriage again and with the tearful view of the water in his eyes he saw how the man got up again, stained with his clothes stained with mud from the rain and the road.