Moments before. Panagiot marched out the front entrance, with Clayton close behind. Through the downpour of the rain, screams could be heard mixed with the unnatural growls of the undead. In the rain smoke filled the air, and the blazing flames that had been set to the homes and shops of the residents furiously raged on. Outside stood the Holy Knights of Umar in formation. "Good", Panagiot shouted as he walked through the knights. "Whatever has befallen this village will know the might and power of Umar's sons." Panagiot turned to the knights standing at the head of the group. One knight approached with his sword drawn and covered in blood. "Sir, we have concluded these are reanimated knights that were killed by the gultonk and have been done so by an individual." The knight reported. Panagiot raised his hand and an image of a large double-headed great axe shimmered and became solid as Panagiot swung it around himself. "If the intel is correct, then we have a disgusting and foul necromancer here in the village!" Panagiot shouted as he paced back and forth. "If this is true then the war has come to the country of Umar and it is our duty, YOUR DUTY TO ENSURE OUR ENEMIES AND THE FOUL CREATURES OF THIS WORLD MEET THEIR END!" Panagiot turned and began to march into the village. "Fan out and lock down this street, any survivors will be brought back here commander Ruffgaurd will decide what is to be done with them." Clayton marched beside Panagiot with his sword in hand. His heart raced, he feared what had befallen the villagers. He feared what had become of his dead brothers. Doubt crippled his heart, could he cut down his brothers even though they were already dead? Panagiot slapped Clayton's back, jolting him to attention. "Still yourself boy, it does not matter who the dead were in life. What matters is you cut them down." Deep down in Clayton's core, he knew this was true. He had to get a hold of himself, he was a Knight of Umar and this was his duty. Clayton's gaze was caught by movement around the nearby corner. He raised his sword and prepared himself. The figure turned the corner and a group of women who had guided children revealed themselves. "Oh thank the king the knights are still here." A mother muttered to the others. "Come this way." Clayton shouted. The group was herded through the knight's formation and met the gaze of Commander Ruffgaurd. "Ah, so survivors have been found already. Good." Ruffgaurd grabbed at the women and children checking them. "Be sure not to just allow them in they need to be checked for bites or if the one that has done this is among them." Ruffgaurd barked toward Clayton. Clayton nodded and gently checked over the group. "Where are the other survivors?" Panagiot aggressively asked the group. "Others have taken shelter at the temple." One woman spoke up. "I'll make my way there, lead some men to the center of town, and draw the attention of the dead." Panagiot stated to Ruffgaurd as he took his leave. "Understood." Ruffgaurd replied in an annoyed tone as he turned to Clayton. "I'm leaving men here to maintain the perimeter and to take care of the bodies inside."This caught Clayton's curiosity, "Bodies? Does he mean the two in the cells?" He thought. Ruffgaurd snapped his fingers catching Clayton's attention. The young knight jumped and replied with a salute. Ruffgaurd groaned and pulled his sword and raised it into the air, "Alright you whelps to me!" The formation of knights marched into the village through the heavy rain that showed no sign of stopping. Clayton turned to the group of women and children and led them inside. "Begin making a choke point to the entrance." Clayton called out to the knights. Some let out small chuckles and laughs but still began to move boxes and tables to the entrance. Clayton continued to lead the group of civilians to the mess hall. In it was a large table, big enough to fit thirty people. It was filled with food and every candle was lit, casting light all around the room. Beside the table was a massive fireplace with a large fire roaring away. "Stay here and warm yourselves, eat and rest." Clayton reassured them. A small girl pulled on Clayton's hand. "You killed the big monster right?" Clayton nodded his head though a form of guilt and shame sat in his throat. "Then you are going to kill the other monsters too?" The small girl asked with tears swelling in her eyes. "Yes, all the knights of Umar are going to keep you safe." A woman picked the girl up and carried her over to the large fireplace that sat parallel to the table. Clayton could feel their fear and worry, he knew he had to keep them safe. Suddenly he heard a thud and crashing of armor echo from the main stairs. Clayton turned to the group, "Keep these doors shut and do not open them unless it is myself, Panagiot or Commander Ruffgaurd!" The Women all on the edge of tears nodded. Clayton unsheathed his sword and rushed to the stairs. As he turned the corner, Francisco was on his way down. The two locked eyes and stopped moving. "What? I thought you were killed?" Clayton said. Francisco raised his hands, "I would have been if not for the large man you and your knights beat." Shame ran down Clayton's spine, "The knights of Umar must do what is necessary to ensure safety and peace." Even saying the words out loud didn't feel right to Clayton, something in his heart couldn't agree with the words that were cemented in his head. Francisco gave Clayton a disappointed look as he slowly walked down the stairs. Clayton pointed his sword at the Nesfundur, "Don"t move, we have enough to worry about right now." Clayton ordered. "Just go back to your cell and I'll plea-" Clayton stopped as he noticed the dead knights that laid at the top of the stairs. Rage began to fill Clayton. "What have you and that bastard done!" Francisco face became stern, "What we had to, to ensure the safety of the princess." Clayton was confused, "What princess?" Francisco reached the bottom of the stairs. "The boarkar woman you and your fellow knights brought here and tortured." Clayton shook his head, "We wouldn't torture someone, especially someone of high status as that of a princess." Francisco moved closer to Clayton. "Then explain what I saw up there." Clayton's sword lowered and his mind began to race. All that had happened, was to much to deal with. The arrival of the gultonk, the killing of his brother in arms. The Elite and Commander, now a princess boarkar and now the an outbreak of undead. Then has he felt his heart rate begin to increase, words from his father echoed in his ears. "Don't lose control, just breath and calm your mind." Clayton took a deep breath, "Alright. Show me what has been done to the boarkar woman and we will go from there." The two turned to start up the stairs. Suddenly a woman bursted through the entrance doors and drew back an arrow pointing at Clayton. "Drop your blade knight." Clayton pulled into a defensive stance. He regonized the woman slightly. She looked like the one from that morning but her face wasn't entirely her own. "Please, if the dead are out there then we mustn't fight!" Francisco shouted as he stood between the two warriors. A small grunt caught their attention to the top of the stairs. There stood Diomede and Kira.