Chapter 10 Who Dares to Cause Trouble at My House?

Someone actually dared to come to my house and smash things!

Upon hearing this news, Liang Fei felt a surge of anger rise within him, and he and Aniu sprinted home.

When he arrived at the door, he could indeed hear a clamor of things being smashed in his house from afar, mixed with the sound of his parents arguing with someone.

"Uncle Liang, you'd better call your son back quickly, or don't blame me for being rude today and tearing down your shabby house!"

Liang Fei recognized the voice from a distance, and upon listening closely, it was Senior Heizi, a bully from the town.

Senior Heizi was also from Hengqiao Village, only a few years older than Liang Fei. His mother passed away early, and when he was in junior high, his grandfather also died.

After his grandfather passed away, there was no one left to restrain him, so he quit school and started to make trouble in town. Over the years, he had gained some notoriety with his ruthless behavior and was now known as a local menace, feared by everyone in the village.

Inside the house, Father Liang's angry voice could be heard: "Senior Heizi, we are, after all, from the same village. Tell me, what has Xiaofei done to offend you? Why are you causing such a scene in my home!"

"Heh, Liang Fei hasn't really provoked me, but this time he has annoyed someone he shouldn't have," Senior Heizi uttered with a sinister chuckle.

Letting out two cold laughs, Senior Heizi said, "I might as well be honest with you, Uncle Liang, you can't blame me... Keep smashing, smash everything in his house for me. I want to see if that brat Liang Fei is really a coward, too afraid to show up!"

Following Senior Heizi's order, the thugs he brought with him started smashing things inside the house again.


Liang Fei had just arrived home when he saw this scene; overwhelmed with anger, he clenched his fists tightly, charged forward like an arrow leaving its bow, and without a word, grabbed a thug who was smashing things and punched him squarely in the face.


The thug, caught off guard by the punch right in the face, managed to let out only a scream before falling to the ground, clutching his face.

Inside the house, Senior Heizi was directing the thugs to smash the furniture in Liang Fei's home, but he was startled to see Liang Fei charging in like an enraged lion.

"Liang Fei, you…"

Shocked, Senior Heizi was about to command two thugs to attack Liang Fei, but Liang Fei was exceptionally fast; before the thugs could react, he threw punches like the wind and knocked them to the ground, unable to get up.

"How can you..."

Liang Fei's swift attacks not only stunned Senior Heizi, leaving him wide-eyed, but even Aniu and Liang Fei's parents could hardly believe what they were seeing.

Since when had Liang Fei become so powerful?

"Senior Heizi, you're really full of yourself, daring to bully people all the way to my doorstep!"

While Senior Heizi was at a loss for words, Liang Fei pressed forward, his gaze cold as a dagger, staring him down.


Under Liang Fei's icy stare, Senior Heizi felt as if he was being hacked with an axe, his mouth gaping wide, but he was speechless.

He could never have imagined that Liang Fei, who he had never taken seriously, had become so formidable.

"Senior Heizi," Liang Fei continued, "you mentioned earlier that I've offended someone I shouldn't have. I'm quite curious to know who you're taking revenge for."

Senior Heizi didn't speak, but Liang Fei's piercing gaze still inspected him as he spoke, word by word.


Senior Heizi hesitated for a while before saying, "Liang Fei, stop pretending. You hit the Chu Family's young master, don't you know that? Now they've found me to deal with you, so you can't blame me!"

"The Chu Family's young master? Chu Ziyu?"

Upon hearing this, Liang Fei's eyebrows involuntarily furrowed.

He knew that since he had hit Chu Ziyu, the Chu Family would never let the matter drop, but he hadn't expected them to come knocking so quickly, and they even hired the local thugs to cause trouble.

"Liang Fei, as long as you know who your opponent is, that's fine. As for how to handle this situation, you figure it out!"

Even though Senior Heizi had just been shocked by Liang Fei's bravery, he had been mingling in the underworld for so long, and while surprised, he wasn't yet terrified. Now seeing Liang Fei looking worried, he thought Liang Fei was scared, and his arrogance returned.

"What should I do?"

Liang Fei examined Senior Heizi with a cold gaze, his words icy as he said, "Senior Heizi, listen up. You're going to pay double for everything you damaged in my house."

"Moreover, I need you to deliver a message to that surnamed Chu. The person he's looking for is me; he should just come at me alone if he really has the guts. If he dares to cause trouble at my home again, I, Liang Fei, swear he will regret it."

Such resolute and decisive words left everyone trembling.


Embarrassed, Senior Heizi cleared his throat. He was about to speak, but when his eyes met the fierce look in Liang Fei's, his courage drained away, and he dared not look at him again.

"What, you don't want to compensate? Or do you think my family is easy to bully?"

Seeing Senior Heizi standing there like a fool, not knowing what to do, Liang Fei's expression became even colder, and he snapped.


Startled by his shout, Senior Heizi, who usually strutted about in front of the locals, lacked that bravado now that he was facing a tough opponent.

Under Liang Fei's pressure, Senior Heizi wilted like a defeated soldier, pulling a long face as he said, "Xiaofei, look, I didn't bring any money today... Regarding the compensation, can we maybe... next time..."


Senior Heizi hadn't finished his sentence when Liang Fei sharply interrupted him.

Liang Fei swept a cold glance over them, his eyes then settling on the two motorcycles they had arrived on, and said in a cold voice, "Write an IOU and leave the motorcycles at my place as collateral. Bring the money tomorrow!"

"This... isn't right, is it? Xiaofei, look, we're all from the same village..."

When he heard Liang Fei demand they leave the motorcycles behind, Senior Heizi's face fell as if air was let out of a balloon, and he nearly burst into tears.

After all, one of the motorcycles was a Harley Crown Prince that he had obtained through dubious means. It was his pride and ride for showing off and picking up girls. Leaving it behind at Liang Fei's felt unbearable!

"Cut the crap, finish writing the IOU, and get the hell out!"

Liang Fei didn't care one bit about Senior Heizi's feelings, and commanded bluntly.

Remembering we're from the same locale now, are we? Why didn't you think of that when you were smashing up my house?

With no other choice, Senior Heizi conceded that this was the first time he'd been bested in all his years. Facing Liang Fei's fierce momentum, he had no recourse but to quickly write an IOU, then led his gang away in a pathetic retreat.