Chapter 14 Sorcery Poison

The police were nervously and orderly conducting their control, and the workers on the bus had been waiting for ten minutes, yet the money and car promised by the police still hadn't arrived, which was making them visibly impatient.

He pressed the barrel of the gun against Liang Fei's temple and shouted at Shen Xing not far away, "What's taking so long? If you keep dawdling like this, I'm really going to start killing!"

"Don't be so anxious. Five million is not a small sum; we need to transfer it from several banks, which takes some time."

"Don't play tricks with me, or I'll shoot him right now. There are plenty of hostages on the bus, one dead is break-even, two dead is a profit!"

"It won't come to that, just be patient, the money will be delivered very soon."


Shen Xing was trying her best to stall for time with the criminal. However, she found it strange that although the criminal was agitated, the young man being held hostage was showing no signs of nervousness and even managed to blink and smile at her.

Is that...?

Shen Xing doubted her own eyes, but upon a closer look, she indeed saw a smile on Liang Fei's face.

As the captain of the Criminal Investigation Division, Shen Xing had been involved in many hostage rescue operations. From her experience, it was rare for hostages to remain calm.

But why was this young man, although taken as a hostage, not showing any sign of panic and actually wearing a composed smile?

Could it be that he had a way to deal with the criminal?

Shen Xing dared not confirm it, but given the current dangerous situation, which was not yet under her control, she couldn't make any rash moves.

The SWAT sniper team had already given their report; although they had positioned three snipers in hiding, the criminal was highly vigilant, selecting a position amongst the crowd and keeping his head well-hidden, causing the snipers to worry about injuring other passengers and hesitant to take the shot.

Now, the only option was to get the money delivered and wait for the criminal to get off the bus, which could present an opportunity to take him down.

Even if the sniping attempt failed, Shen Xing had also set up a perimeter defense, making it difficult for the criminal to break through the police cordon even if he managed to escape in a vehicle.

As time ticked by, after another fifteen minutes, a black sedan carrying five million in cash finally made its way slowly towards the bus.

The worker told the driver to park the car in a specified location and then get out, open the doors, and show him the two travel cases full of cash inside.

Upon seeing the two full cases of cash, a greedy sneer appeared on the criminal's face.

But just as he was preparing to push Liang Fei off the bus, he heard Liang Fei lift the corner of his mouth and whisper into his ear, "Big brother, you won't be able to take this money."

"What did you say?"

The criminal was startled and didn't immediately grasp the meaning of Liang Fei's words.

"I'm saying you can look at this money all you want, but even if you have the life to take it, you won't have the life to spend it!"

"You... you dare curse me? I'll kill you!"

It was only then that the worker grasped what Liang Fei had said and, enraged, pulled the trigger, firing three shots at Liang Fei's head.

Click, click, click!

Several raspy sounds of the firing pin hitting echoed from the gun chamber, but there was no discharge of gunfire.

The worker, holding the gun, stood stunned for a moment, while Liang Fei passed over a row of bullets with a grin, saying, "How are you supposed to kill without bullets? Your intelligence is really too poor; you need to find a way to get some help!"


Looking at the row of bullets lying in Liang Fei's palm, the worker was so shocked that his eyeballs almost popped out.

These were clearly the bullets from his gun, so how did they inexplicably end up in Liang Fei's hands?

The shock in the migrant worker's heart had reached its peak; he racked his brains but couldn't figure out when Liang Fei had touched his gun...

Suddenly recalling the scene of the youngster moving the gun to his own head, insisting on being a hostage, the migrant worker was struck with terror.

Could it be... This kid could actually perform magic, and by merely touching his gun, he was able to unload all the bullets?

"Hand them over!"

Although the sudden situation greatly startled the migrant worker, his mental toughness was exceptional. He quickly recovered and stretched out his hand to snatch the bullets back.

"I think I'll hold on to these for you; you likely won't be needing them anymore."

How could Liang Fei let him snatch the bullets back? With a flick of his right hand, the line of bullets traced a beautiful arc in the air inside the car and all landed in his pocket.

"Damn it, you dare to play me!" Enraged, the migrant worker threw his fist at Liang Fei.

However, Liang Fei didn't give him the chance to strike; as the migrant worker's fist came forward, Liang Fei's hands shot out rapidly, executing a grappling technique and subduing him.

With the robber subdued, the situation turned around abruptly. Shen Xing hurried over with a group of police officers and took the still howling robber into the police car.

"Everyone, there's no need for panic; the criminal has been subdued. Please exit the bus in an orderly fashion and go home."

Shen Xing boarded the bus and began to comfort the passengers.

"Sir, please wait a moment." Just as Liang Fei was about to get off the bus with Fang Jieru, Shen Xing suddenly called out to him.

Liang Fei turned around and looked at the attractive female officer, smiling radiantly, "Officer Shen, is there something else?"

"No... Oh right, sir, could you leave your name and contact details? You subdued the criminal, and the police will offer you a reward."

Shen Xing looked at Liang Fei and said with a smile.

"There's no need for a reward; I was merely acting in self-defense." Liang Fei smiled slightly, shook his head, and then got off the bus with Fang Jieru.


Shen Xing was very interested in Liang Fei's composure and skill. Seeing him leaving, she quickly followed him off the bus.

But before Shen Xing had taken a few steps, she suddenly furrowed her brows tightly, bit her lips, covered her stomach with her right hand, and squatted on the ground, showing an extremely pained expression.

"Captain, what's wrong?"

Shen Xing's unusual behavior alarmed the police officers, who quickly helped her up. Although she was helped to her feet, Shen Xing's face was pale as paper and she was already sweating profusely from pain, as if enduring tremendous suffering.

As Liang Fei was about to leave, he suddenly heard the commotion behind him. Turning to look back, he saw Shen Xing's face was deathly pale with her lips a purplish black. He was taken aback.

Seeing her condition, it looked like poisoning, and it was Sorcery Poison, which is extremely rare.

How could this be possible? According to the Shennong Scripture, Sorcery originated from the Jiuli Witch Clan's Witchcraft.

This Witchcraft was exceptionally insidious and domineering; the Great Witch didn't even need to come into contact with the victim and could take someone's life through raising Sorcery and releasing it invisibly.

However, this Witch Sorcery technique had been recorded only in history, and in modern society, no one had seen it. Who could have expected that, seeing Shen Xing's symptoms today, they would be exactly the same as those poisoned by Sorcery Poison.

Although the casting of Sorcery was a type of Witchcraft, at its core, it could still be resolved with the techniques of Traditional Chinese Medicine. Moreover, the methods for Sorcery Removing and detoxification were detailed in the Shennong Scripture.

What's more, judging by Shen Xing's current symptoms, the Sorcery Poison she was afflicted with was just the simplest kind. To detoxify her wouldn't be difficult at all.