Chapter 29: Xiao Jin Tang Gambling Stone Club

Although Binyang City could only be considered a third-tier city in Huaxia Country, its advantageous geographical location and highly developed economy had created many rich individuals whose wealth could rival nations.

With an abundance of wealthy people, those who had money but nowhere to spend it naturally sought ways to entertain themselves.

And without a doubt, gambling on jade stones was one such game that provided the rich with the utmost excitement and thrill.

As a result, numerous gambling stone clubs of varying sizes had sprung up in Binyang City. Among these, the most powerful club was the one owned by the Han Family—the Gambling Stone Club at Xiaojin Hall.

Xiaojin Hall!

As the name suggests, this was a great place for gold prospecting and spending—where countless individuals struck it rich overnight, while many others gambled away fortunes, even to the point of ruin…