Chapter 78: Removing Impurities from Flower Seeds

In the Cultivation Space, the Spiritual Energy remained abundant, and the scenery was still pleasant.

Liang Fei didn't wait, he dashed to the shore of Immortal Lake and emptied the water from the fish tank, replacing it with a tank full of Immortal Lake Water, enough to save the life of the Fortune Dragon Emperor.

The magic of the Immortal Lake Water was indeed immediate, as the Fortune Dragon Emperor, which had been closing its eyes and languidly lying at the bottom of the tank, transformed.

As soon as the water in the tank was replaced with Immortal Lake Water, its spirit seemed to improve immediately, its body shook suddenly, and it slowly opened its eyes.

Indeed, it had some effect!

Seeing this, Liang Fei was greatly moved.

Although the Fortune Dragon Emperor still lay motionless at the bottom after the change of water to Immortal Lake Water, Liang Fei could at least see a hint of vitality being released from its body.