Chapter 85 Liang Fei is My Boyfriend

Liang Fei swept Xia Dongyang with disdain and then turned to Shen Shusheng, saying, "Uncle Shen, even if the law doesn't explicitly forbid arranged marriages, not respecting the wishes of your children is also an undesirable behavior. Moreover..."

At this point, Liang Fei's expression became stern, and his voice deliberately paused.

"Moreover what?" Shen Shusheng had been listening quietly with his eyes downcast; suddenly, hearing Liang Fei stop, he asked in bewilderment.

Liang Fei's gaze shifted and after a moment, he looked at Shen Xing, quickly winked at her, and then blurted out, "Moreover, Xiaoxin and I have been in a passionate love affair for a long time. She loves me and only me, and I will marry no one but Xiaoxin!"


When Liang Fei said these words, not only was Shen Shusheng stunned, but so were the members of the Xia Family, including Xia Dongyang and his son; even Shen Xing herself was staring at Liang Fei with her mouth agape in confusion.