Chapter 100 The Assassin Goes to the Rooftop

"You're right!"

Liang Fei's opinions also gained Shen Xing's agreement as she stood and followed him out.

They stood by the street, carefully surveying their surroundings, and realized that the only vantage point nearby, which also allowed for a full view of Binyang Prison, was a four-star hotel situated diagonally opposite the prison.

Although the hotel was only four-star, it had over twenty floors, making it the tallest building in the vicinity. Anyone who reached the rooftop of the hotel could get the most comprehensive overview of Binyang Prison.

It was this hotel.

Liang Fei and Shen Xing both realized this and, after exchanging a glance, they walked into the hotel together.

To avoid attracting attention, Liang Fei and Shen Xing posed as a couple and booked a room in the hotel. Instead of going to their room, however, they sat in the lobby's restaurant, watching the movements at the hotel's front desk.