Chapter 123 Who is this girl?

In Liang Fei's eyes, Chu Ziyu and Xia Jian were nothing but insignificant scum, incapable of stirring up any real trouble; he did not need to pay any attention to such clowns.

Just as he was getting bored and preparing to leave, a scene that suddenly unfolded in the adjacent private room made him frown again.

It turned out that at this moment, Ning Jiuwei was seen carrying a plate of dishes into the private room.

"Xiaowei, why is it you? How come you're working here as a waitress?"

Chu Ziyu was also quite surprised upon discovering that the person delivering the dishes was Ning Jiuwei and asked in astonishment.

He had long pursued Ning Jiuwei but had yet to win her heart, which frustrated him greatly.

Knowing that Ning Jiuwei's family was not well-off, he often flaunted his superiority as a rich heir in front of her, hinting that if she agreed to become his girlfriend, he would share some of his wealth with her.