Chapter 125: Handcuff This Guy for Me

Chu Ziyu did not need to look back to guess that the person behind him who snorted coldly was indeed Liang Fei!

He truly hated Liang Fei, but for some reason, when Liang Fei actually appeared in front of him, the first feeling that surged in his heart was fear!

No, Liang Fei was like a huge rock pressing on his heart, no matter how he struggled, he could not resist.

"Liang Fei, it's you again!"

Although Chu Ziyu was frightened at this moment, he still suppressed the fear in his heart, slowly turned around, glared at Liang Fei with wide eyes, and shouted angrily, "Boy, I will kill you sooner or later!"

"Hmm, really? That's for later, now you can lie down."

Liang Fei snorted coldly. Seeing that Ning Jiuwei had already been fascinated by Xia Jian, he did not want to waste more words with Chu Ziyu. His figure suddenly moved forward swiftly, like a flash of lightning he rushed in front of Chu Ziyu and struck out with a punch.
