Chapter 26

The air in the living room suddenly grew tense. Lin You bit her lower lip, unsure of what to do. She was just an ordinary middle school student and naturally lacked an appropriate way to handle this situation.

The two stood facing each other in silence for a while before Lin You slowly spoke.

"If I say I am a Psychic, would you believe me?"

"A Psychic? You've watched too many movies," Lin Fei scoffed, though inside he was marveling at how a middle school girl could not withstand pressure.

"I am serious," Lin You said earnestly.

"Lin You, you can come up with such nonsense? You really think I'm an idiot!" Lin Fei actually wanted his sister to demonstrate the so-called Psychic ability. But to his disappointment, after hearing his words, Lin You's face flushed red, yet she did not make any unusual moves.

Could it be that she hasn't mastered real Psychic abilities yet? So, she couldn't demonstrate for me? Or is there a rule that Psychics can't show their powers in front of ordinary people?

He observed his sister's expression carefully. It was a mix of frustration, grievance, and stifled feelings, and her big eyes were already brimming with tears. Perhaps she truly couldn't release her Psychic abilities freely. Maybe this was why Chen Feng had offered to help. If she could use her abilities freely on her own, she wouldn't need Chen Feng's help to deal with those two. There must be some unclear reasons.

Realizing this, he decided not to press Lin You further, changing the direction of the conversation.

"Forget it, really. Don't do this again! It's such a hassle," Lin Fei said with an impatient expression. He turned and walked toward his bedroom. Just as he was about to enter, he turned around and added, "I won't tell Mom and Dad about this. In the future, don't meddle in my affairs, ok?"

Lin You's eyes were blurred with tears. She glared fiercely at Lin Fei but quickly her tears almost fell, frightening her to quickly turn around and briskly wipe her eyes with her sleeve. Then she responded with a choked voice, "Ok."

"Bang!" The bedroom door slammed shut.

Lin You stood quietly for a while, listening to ensure there was no sound behind her. She carefully turned her head and glanced into Lin Fei's room direction to confirm he had indeed gone back to his room. Only then did she sigh deeply, clenching the notebook in her hand. Lin You swiftly darted into her room and quietly closed the door.

In the room next door, shrouded in darkness,

Lin Fei leaned back against the door with his head tilted back, the Bear Claw spinning quickly in his hand. His eyes slightly vacant, he seemed lost in thought.


In the following days,

Lin Fei completely immersed himself into normal school life. No one from Shueisha came looking for him, and his sister Lin You also began to unconsciously avoid him. Xu Ke also hadn't been in school recently, sparing Lin Fei the usual annoyance. This slightly puzzled him but he was relieved to relax. He marveled at how quickly young girls' passions could come and go.

Taking advantage of this rare period of free time, he began to thoroughly analyze the cool aura he had absorbed that night, what exactly it was. The increasingly heavy study load also distracted him from other matters.

As a student of a key high school and in his second year, Lin Fei's class typically had tests every other day, with bigger tests every three days and endless practice tests every day. The teachers always carried heaps of papers. If Lin Fei had previously been able to cope with the English subject using his past-life knowledge, his weak educational foundation was now fully exposed through the frequent tests. As he studied, he also had to divert his attention to research the cool aura within his body. Every day, he needed to allocate time to practice the Basic Sword Technique and perform Qi Cultivation's Visualization diagrams. As a high school student, this naturally left him with much less time for academic work, causing his grades to slide even further.

After several tests, during another round of total score ranking, Lin Fei shockingly occupied last place in his class by a significant margin, more than twenty points behind the next lowest scorer. Having paid such a painful price, Lin Fei finally made a reluctant attempt to understand the essence of this aura.

Calling it True Force was possible, but it didn't fully match the few descriptions mentioned in the Sword Dao True Solution. However, it indeed had the function and characteristics of True Force; that is, it could enhance and improve the human body's constitution. Each time during the Visualization Qi Cultivation, this hint of aura would automatically follow the Hand Seal patterns and circulate in a certain pattern to enhance physical constitution. Initially, there was not much of a feeling, but after several days, Lin Fei clearly felt an increase in his strength and speed. This enhancement was very natural and covert, as if the aura was automatically absorbing some kind of external energy, feeding the absorbed energy back into the body to fortify cells. This energy was extremely weak but could replace food and reduce hunger.

If it weren't for that one time when Lin Fei forgot to bring money at noon and didn't get lunch before starting his cultivation, he might never have discovered this characteristic.

This discovery left him unexpectedly delighted. According to the data, True Force also has the function of reducing appetite.

In the days he explored this aura, the last time he practiced the Bear Claw technique in cultivation, the full-force swing of the blade teeth caused an instantaneous friction with the air, surprisingly creating a burst sound like that of firecrackers.

Because the sound was too loud, he hastily fled from the small woods at school, and Lin Fei finally confirmed it.

The bit of aura he had absorbed could indeed be used as True Force. Moreover, it greatly enhanced his own strength. In just a few days, the wound on his thigh had completely healed. His body was always filled with abundant energy, a characteristic of vibrant essence qi. Ripping, as his ultimate move, had already been practiced to a very smooth level by him. Although he was not sure to what extent his body had recovered since his last life, Lin Fei was confident that if Sun Chengbin appeared before him again, he could easily defeat him within five rounds.

The speed and refreshing aura brought by the second illustration of Qi Cultivation even gave Lin Fei the illusion that he was like an extremely strong tiger, his abundant essence qi always emitting a slight sense of oppression.

It felt as if he could lash out and hurt someone at any moment, a restlessness caused by overly vigorous vitality. It was a natural reaction to the need to discharge excess essence qi.

At noon, the scorching sun beat down on the ground, sending up waves of heat from the surface.

The classroom felt like a massive steamer, the wall fans and ceiling fans blowing warm air with not a hint of coolness.

The first class in the afternoon, as expected, the math teacher walked in with a stack of gleaming white test papers.

High school math, generally speaking, is the most painful subject for all students.

If you have a good teacher, it's fine because you can ask immediately after class about anything you didn't understand during the lesson. But with irresponsible teachers who simply run away after class without giving you the chance to ask questions, the only solution is to seek help from classmates proficient in studies. As a result, the best students naturally become the go-to problem solvers for everyone. Whenever someone doesn't understand a problem, the first ones they think of are the top students in that subject. After countless instances of seeking help, these top students naturally establish authority and influence within the class.

In fact, the same goes for other subjects. If you can't ask the teacher and don't understand something, the only option is to seek help from familiar classmates who perform well academically. In a key high school where progress is extremely rapid, if you don't understand the material one day, there is a good chance you'll be half-lost the next day, only slightly comprehending by the third, and completely unable to keep up by the fourth. If you don't make an effort to find spare time to catch up, you may find the gap between yourself and others widening until it is insurmountable.

This is now the case with Lin Fei.

The newly distributed math test papers had to be completed during the first two periods in the afternoon and then turned in for grading. Recently reborn, if he hadn't had the foundation of calculus from his college days, he probably wouldn't have been able to keep up. Now, he'd been completely immersed in cultivation, significantly falling behind in his studies.

This was particularly true for the sciences. Once a teacher covered a common problem type or a frequently used model, it was likely they wouldn't elaborate further but would instead substitute it with a term. If you hadn't listened carefully the first time, you wouldn't understand the second or third times either.

And now, Lin Fei was completely left behind by all the students in his class, totally unable to keep up. To make matters worse, his interpersonal relationships in the class were poor, and the classmates he could talk to were not the studying type. This left him with nowhere to turn for help.

Looking at the paper on his desk, Lin Fei felt completely helpless.

He picked up the paper and shook it. His gaze landed on the first question.

It was a multiple-choice question about the equation of a hyperbola. Having no clue, Lin Fei was prepared to guess randomly, but the moment he saw the question, that cool aura suddenly rushed from his lower abdomen to his brain.

Instantly, a series of formulas and theorems about hyperbola equations surfaced in his mind, and the problem in front of him began to rapidly transform and compute in his brain. Following the formulas and theorems he recalled, a clear result soon appeared before Lin Fei.

Lin Fei was overjoyed; he never expected the cool aura to have such a function. It was like an all-purpose tool with the ability to enhance all aspects of his quality.