Chapter 29

Lin Fei sat on a stool, watching the vendor skillfully stir-fry the mashed potatoes in the wok. In his hand was a small bowl filled with red chili peppers. The potatoes mixed with vegetable oil sizzled under the high heat, emitting a thick aroma that steamed upward, strikingly pleasant.

He recalled the last time he had fried potatoes, not knowing how many years had passed since then.

Many things, as one grows and matures, gradually fade from one's original life and then become a part of past memories.

"All right, here's your portion." The vendor, a middle-aged woman in an apron, smiled as she shoveled the fried potatoes into Lin Fei's bowl.

"Thank you." Lin Fei carefully avoided the oil on the edge of the bowl, gently scooped up a spoonful, and popped it in his mouth, undeterred by the heat.

"Delicious!" The potatoes, though mostly tasting of MSG, were undeniably tasty when combined with the aroma of the mashed potatoes.

Sitting next to him were a few young people of about the same age, who had arrived earlier than Lin Fei, all sweating profusely as they ate.

No sooner had Chen Yuanyuan stepped out than she saw Lin Fei enjoying his freshly fried mashed potatoes. It was on the suggestion of a few friends that they decided to send this follower on his way so they could organize their own activities without the presence of a strange man, which could dampen their spirits for the whole evening.

"Brother Lin Fei." Chen Yuanyuan squeezed out a flattering smile and approached Lin Fei.

"What's up?" Lin Fei looked up and asked.

"Well... my friends and I, all girls, want to go out on our own for a bit... What do you like to eat? I can go buy something just for you," Chen Yuanyuan said softly.

"No worries, go have fun. I'll just tell Uncle Chen that we were together all along. Just call home and tell my dad on my behalf that I know my way back," Lin Fei kindly replied. He also wasn't keen on hanging around a bunch of girls. With that time, he might as well head home early to study more.

The two quickly agreed. Chen Yuanyuan immediately called home, and Lin Fei took the phone to explain the situation to Uncle Chen and his own father. After wrapping things up, they said goodbye to each other openly and went their separate ways.

Having sorted that out, Lin Fei relaxed and enjoyed his potatoes, planning to head home after finishing his meal. Meanwhile, Chen Yuanyuan and her group emerged from a cold drink shop and stood at the door, making a few phone calls. Soon, two tall young men hurried over and joined the group of girls.

One of the young men wore a red T-shirt, was muscular, with neat, short cropped hair, and looked very sunny. The girls called him Nannan. The other was slightly thinner, wearing glasses and a black-and-white checkered shirt, quiet, and only responded with a polite smile when greeted. He seemed to be Nannan's companion, not very familiar with the others, and his name appeared to be Li Xiuwen.

Lin Fei sat somewhat aloof, overhearing Chen Yuanyuan and her group greeting and laughing with each other. Although he didn't pay particular attention, he still gathered quite a bit of idle information about these people.

While he was enjoying his meal, Chen Yuanyuan and her group inexplicably began arguing with another group nearby. Nannan stood at the forefront, visibly angry, shoving back and forth. The girls stood behind, shielded by the bespectacled young man.

"What's the big deal, it was just an accidentally dropped ice cream cone? How much could that cost? I'll reimburse you for one!" said a girl with long hair standing next to Ning Qing, clearly annoyed as she spoke up loudly.

"Fuck your apology!! You think I give a shit about your money?!" Across from me were four or five garishly dressed youths, led by a guy with a buzz cut sporting a silver skull necklace, clearly the boyfriend she was just bragging about.

"Cut the motherfucking crap!! Watch your dirty mouth!!" Nannan's expression darkened.

"Clean your ass!! Fuck! Who the hell do you think you are, charging at me like that!!" The buzz-cut guy jabbed a finger onto Nannan's forehead, leaving a red mark.

"I'm warning you, keep your hands to yourself!" Nannan forcefully swatted away Buzz Cut's hand. But that just made the guy's face twist, and he suddenly started bellowing.

"This kid dares to strike back?!! Bros, get over here!"

In an instant, around ten young men sprang up from their seats, clamoring towards the two groups.

At Lin Fei's table, someone suddenly stood up. It just happened to be a young man sitting right next to Lin Fei.

Seeing their numbers swell so unexpectedly, leaving only Nannan and that bespectacled guy called Li Xiuwen, both of their faces turned pale. Especially Nannan, who had trained a bit in Sanda and Taekwondo. Though just for show, he was still quite strong. If it had been just the original few, he would have had the guts to fight back, standing in front of all these pretty girls. He couldn't lose face. But now, with the sudden shift, it was like poking a hornet's nest, and in a blink, about twenty people had stood up. The clamor was tremendous. Panic surged in Nannan. Any trace of his previous temper softened. He often heard about people getting stealthily stabbed to death in corners around here, their bodies only discovered the next day. It was clear these guys were troublemakers and hoodlums. Pissing them off might lead to a stabbing out of the blue. Even though they could retaliate later, compared to these scumbags, their own lives were clearly more precious. As the saying goes, a wise man does not eat the loss before his eyes.

Nannan quickly shifted his attitude, "Bro, this all started over an ice cream. How about I treat all you guys to a good meal today as an apology? How does that sound?"

"Treat us all? You think you're rich?" Buzz Cut sneered, "Turning soft now that you see I've got a lot of brothers? What, scared of getting hit?" He gently slapped Nannan's cheek. "If you admit you're scared of getting beaten, I'll let today's incident slide. How's that?" His words were obviously meant to humiliate Nannan.

Right then, Chen Yuanyuan's group grew anxious. The girls had never seen such a scene; all they could do was stand helplessly behind, too scared to step forward.

Chen Yuanyuan was tensing up, seeing more than a dozen young men suddenly surround them, how could she not feel nervous? Still, they had two guys, including Nannan. Among them, Yu Xiao's family had connections with the municipal public security bureau. She was about to signal Yu Xiao to call her family when the crowd suddenly closed in, making it too risky to make any rash moves.

Ning Qing, naturally taking charge as the older woman, positioned herself on the periphery. She too rarely encountered such situations and initially didn't know what to do. However, she remained much calmer than Chen Yuanyuan and the others. She noticed the male friend Chen Yuanyuan had brought was still in front of the potato frying stall. She gently tapped Chen Yuanyuan and whispered, "Have the guy you brought call for help."

However, due to the conflict, most bystanders, seeing the delinquents involved, began leaving their seats, with only a few brave or backed-up spectators remaining to eagerly watch the spectacle. The stall owners appeared nonchalant as if such incidents were rather commonplace here.

Only then did Chen Yuanyuan notice Lin Fei, sparking a glimmer of hope. However, she was at a loss for how to signal him. Her group was encircled entirely, making it impossible for Lin Fei to see the situation inside. He was sitting there, seemingly enjoying his stir-fried potatoes and barbecued skewers prepared earlier by Chen Yuanyuan, occasionally glancing over with interest. This infuriated Chen Yuanyuan and her anxious group even more.

Lin Fei sat on the stool, eating his stir-fried potatoes and the previously ordered skewers. He had noticed the commotion nearby, but since Chen Yuanyuan's group didn't look like easy targets, and he wasn't familiar with them, he didn't feel inclined to join in the chaos.

But often, even if you don't mess with others, they decide to mess with you.