Chapter 355: Situation Part 2

He gently closed his eyes, and the golden pattern on his forehead flashed briefly.

"Is this the power of the Divine Artifact...." he murmured. "I see....."

The moment the golden pattern flashed, the strange phenomena in the entire hall also vanished simultaneously.

Only the small crystal earring quietly lay in his hand.


The next day

East Pacific Ocean, Phosphor Island

On the boundless blue sea, Phosphor Island was like a unique dot sprinkled on a curtain, surrounded continuously by waves that perpetually struck the cliff beaches of the island, producing a rushing sound.

The island formed a crescent shape, with sea water intermittently cutting through the middle, discontinuously, like the scales of a fish. The island was covered with lush green vegetation and forests, from afar, some white buildings faintly emitted white lights, shimmering through the woods.

In a valley among the island's forests.