Chapter 107 Journey Part 1

Lin Xin hesitated for a moment before walking around the carriage.

The carriage was pitch black, engraved with many familiar patterns that resembled vines, spider webs, and even some kind of mysterious symbols.

Lin Xin walked over to the two horses pulling the carriage.

The eyes of the black horse were shockingly hollowed out into bloody holes, and there was no breath coming from its nostrils. Its body, covered in black fur, looked as full and alive as any other horse.

He reached out and gently touched the black horse's fur.

It felt cold and stiff to the touch.

He stepped back a few steps, then looked again at the carriage. The open door seemed to be inviting him to board, the profound darkness hiding everything inside.

"These symbol patterns..." he suddenly remembered, "are Demon Talisman Seeds... those patterns!"

"Could this carriage be related to the Demon Talisman Seed I absorbed?"

A flicker of doubt crossed his mind.