Chapter 341: Travel Part Two

Almost all the shop banners here were apricot yellow, but this one was a completely different pure white.

Although it seemed to have been blackened somewhat by dust, it was still evident that this shop banner was distinctly separate from the surrounding apricot yellow ones.

Lin Xin looked carefully, and saw two large characters written on the white banner.

'Pass City'

"All the other shops have signs indicating what they do, but this shop has no introduction at all." Jade Fox said curiously. "Master, why don't we go in and have a look?"

Lin Xin glanced down at that shop.

The shop occupied a large area, stretching the width of five shop fronts from left to right, monopolizing the space all to itself, and there was also a dense flow of people entering and leaving it.

He thought for a moment and randomly caught a person coming out to ask.

"Brother, what does this shop sell to have so many people coming and going?"