Chapter 378: Journey Six

Brahma Net Mountain was located in the dark marsh mountain range on the western side of Central Prefecture.

Dark clouds covered the area all year round, only in the early spring when the first sunlight appeared would it gently rise with a hint of gold.

The golden sunlight pierced through the black fog, illuminating the fine contours of the summit of Brahma Net Mountain.

At this moment, as the early sun rose, a ring of golden light, like a golden sun, slowly pierced through the black fog, revealing a golden, complex, and magnificent palace at the center of the mountain peak.

Atop the palace lay a golden dragon sculpted from gold, with its dragon eye being the only one, which was the white vertical pupil opened on its forehead.

In front of the palace gate was a huge white jade square, towering above was an eight-meter-tall giant snake man.