Chapter 398: Hunter 3

In the sky, a large group of monks dressed in variegated attire relentlessly pressed down the monks of the green-clad family, forcing them to retreat continuously.

The leaders on both sides hovered in the direct center, confronting each other.

On the side dressed in green was an old man with white hair and one eye leading the way, followed by some middle-aged men and women, and finally, the young people, who appeared to be the chiefs of the tribe.

The variegated-dressed side was led by a tall, middle-aged man with a wooden expression.

"Kongzhu Xin, at this point, just hand over the treasure. Your Kongzhu Family is guilty of harboring it. Even if you were twice as strong, no matter how much longer you struggle, you can't keep it," he said.

"I've already said it countless times, there is no treasure. You have also searched our Kongzhu Family many times. Aren't you willing to give up yet?"