"Give it back to me?" Wang Chengshi sat upright on his throne, looking at the man in the dark red armor in the mirror surface.

He never believed in anyone's promises, no matter who they were.

After a moment of silence,

he slowly spoke.

"If you are here just for the Demon Talisman Seeds, we can accept that."

After all, compared to the Demon Talisman Seeds, they had accumulated here more precious materials in great quantity, and if those fell into the hands of others, their loss would be even greater.

As for the Demon Talisman Seeds, they still controlled a few other Primordial Demons, which meant they could slowly accumulate and reacquire the seeds over time.

Although the Demon Talisman Seeds were precious, for a power like theirs with stable channels, they were, in fact, just consumables.

So when he heard that the other party only wanted the Demon Talisman Seeds, his heart also fiercely relaxed.

This was something he could decide on.