The following sacrificial rites were just like the past: grand and magnificent, bloody and resplendent, frenetic and unforgettable. The sacrificial ceremonies included the dueling of nobles, the tearful dances of young girls, impersonations of the Chief Divine, and the lake's harvest tributes… The nobility and royal family of the Patzcuaro Lake region vanished in smoke as the old rulers went to the Divine Kingdom, also taking with them the old dreams of the Tarasco Kingdom.
The wide plaza erupted in waves of sound. There were the excited cheers of the nobility, the heroic roars of the Samurai, the sincere hymns of the commoners, and the terrified screams of foreigners. As the sun slowly dipped westward, casting a red glow in the sky, the ritual paused temporarily.
Aweit solemnly lifted the Divine Staff, and the Priests' chants rang out just in time.