The mountains undulated across the highland, and birds flew to the far distance. Sun rose and moon set; the world always vast, space endless to the far distance. Trails of dust rose up in the distant sky, the grand troop moved from the horizon to sight. As the sun set and the moon rose, the sky turned to dusk, and the army halted its advance.
Draped in copper armor, Xiulote ascended a mound near the camp. He gazed to the north, where the twilight saturated the sky, casting a splendid light and shadow over the mountains. Light and shadow shifted, clouds danced, the earth and sky merged, yet were so elusive.
"Just like the gaze of the gods, observing the hearts of mortals..."
The king looked calmly at the sky, his thoughts soaring across the vast world. He had already heard of the battle situation in the valley, so he hurried day and night to get there.