Chapter 12 Okay, okay, so you're a rich second generation, huh?

This meal was the longest Gu Heng had ever had.

It lasted more than an hour.

It wasn't that Gu Heng ate a lot, the main reason was that the server was too slow in cooking the food...

Even though Manager Lu added another person halfway through to help cook for Gu Heng, they still couldn't keep up with his eating pace...

But fortunately, the outcome was perfect.

Without any exaggeration, this was the most satisfying meal Gu Heng had in Hang City...

Given Gu Heng's height of 180 cm and weight of 150 kg, with portions like those of Lanzhou noodles, he would need at least two bowls to be full if he didn't hold back. But considering his family's financial situation in the past, he dared not eat to his fill whenever he wanted to save money...

Now that he had turned the tables, of course, he had to treat himself well.


He belched loudly without any concern for his image, leaned back contentedly in his seat, and took out his Hongshan Puwan cigarettes that he had been smoking for who knows how many years, which had increased from 12 yuan to 16 yuan. Opening the cigarette pack, he asked He Jing and the others, "Want one?"

He Jing was a smoker, Gu Heng knew that.

But this was the first time Gu Heng offered her a cigarette in the two years he had known her.

As for previously...

It could be considered a kind of inferiority.

He always felt that a pack of cigarettes costing only a dozen yuan was not presentable, maybe others would take one but toss it in the trash as soon as they turned around.

He Jing was slightly taken aback, then nodded and accepted one. Lin Jiayun unreservedly took one from the pack as well, and as for Xiao Lan, she didn't smoke, and Gu Heng wouldn't insist on her smoking one.

The cigarette was lit.

Plumes of white smoke rose from the tip.

Just as Gu Heng was about to express the sentiment "A cigarette after a meal is divine," he noticed Manager Lu standing by and thought for a moment before asking, "You can smoke here, right?"

Although now his mindset was more about indulgence and enjoyment...

Gu Heng still had some basic moral sense.

Indulgence was fine, but affecting others was not appropriate, especially since this was a public place...

But Manager Lu was very understanding, he replied with a smile, "If it was the lobby on the first floor, indeed there would be a no smoking rule, but the second and third floors are private rooms, it's fine as long as you and your friends don't mind."

Hearing this, Gu Heng was totally satisfied.



Two successive coughs rang out, making Gu Heng look over.

He saw He Jing and Lin Jiayun frowning and pinching out the cigarettes they had just taken a puff from, with Lin Jiayun even complaining irritably, "This cigarette is too strong, I can't handle it..."

After a brief consideration, Gu Heng roughly knew the reason...

Both of them usually smoked those fancy ladies' cigarettes, either strawberry or mint flavored, and suddenly smoking this average tobacco that barely qualified as low-quality was understandably difficult for them.

But Gu Heng didn't feel the slightest apology; instead, he took a deep drag and stylishly exhaled a long plume of smoke, then explained with a smile, "Actually, this cigarette isn't strong at all."

"How can it not be strong? I've smoked men's cigarettes too, and although they are tough to smoke, I've never been choked by them."

Hearing Lin Jiayun's rebuttal, Gu Heng continued with a smile.

"Then the men's cigarettes you've smoked must be those like He Tianxia and Jinling Jiu Wu, which are definitely milder, and you wouldn't choke much on those."

This time Lin Jiayun didn't retort...

"Puwan really isn't strong. I've smoked stronger ones.

I started smoking in high school. Back then, I was given 30 yuan a week as pocket money, aside from meal expenses, of course.

30 yuan had to be saved and scrimped down to 20 for an all-nighter at the internet cafe on weekends, leaving me with only about 10 yuan to actually spend. Back then, I thought smoking was so cool, so I could only buy the cheapest ones, which were called Hong Sanhuan, 2.5 yuan a pack, usually smoked by the old men in our village.

Those cigarettes were so harsh, not just the first or second smoke. I smoked them for three years in high school and it always felt harsh. Smoking one took at least 10 minutes just to get over the dizziness afterwards. After graduating from high school, I worked my first job, made over 2000 yuan in a month, and switched to what I smoke now, Puwan. A few years later, and even more ridiculously, while my salary hadn't increased much, I somehow managed to smoke Puwan from 12 yuan to 16 yuan.

After saying that, Gu Heng couldn't help but laugh at himself.

In fact, in this kind of setting, suddenly taking a trip down memory lane with them felt a bit awkward...

But from the system activation in the afternoon until now, it had been quite a shock for Gu Heng...

From being a bottom-tier social animal that everyone could look down on, to suddenly transform into a wealthy man who could binge eat and drink in high-end hotels…

And since I couldn't reveal anything about the system to others, if I didn't vent to someone, I really feared I'd develop some mental illness...

After all, there are plenty of cases where people went insane without spending a penny after winning the lottery; what's happening to me now is even more fantastical than winning the lottery, right?



After listening to Gu Heng, Lin Jiayun and the other two couldn't help but take a few more glances at him...

Being in the influencer business, they met many people.

They had seen wealthy folks; those nouveau riche who casually spend tens of thousands for a night with them were even more common...

But they rarely encountered someone like Gu Heng...

He had the flamboyant attitude of a nouveau riche, insisting on more dishes even if a dish cost a few tens of thousands.

He also retained the modesty and restraint of an ordinary person, asking for permission to smoke a cigarette...

And after becoming wealthy, he could freely talk about his past hardships as a topic of conversation.

Even He Jing, who had known him for two years, felt like she was getting to know Gu Heng all over again...

However, Gu Heng, who had simply vented a bit, had no interest in guessing what they were thinking. After extinguishing his cigarette butt, he greeted the three, asking if they were satisfied with their meal and, upon receiving their response, looked up to address Manager Lu.

"Manager Lu, could you please tally up the bill for us?"

Manager Lu, who was already prepared, quickly responded, "Mr. Gu, your basic expense for this table is 128,888 yuan, plus the additional dishes you ordered, the total comes to 175,000 yuan.

Normally, we would charge a 15% service fee on the third floor, but due to a mistake on part of our staff, which caused you and your friends to have a poor experience before the meal, this service fee has been waived. So, just rounding it off, you only need to pay 170,000 yuan."

170,000 yuan?!!!

Actually, Gu Heng had a rough idea about the price before asking Manager Lu.

After all, he had ordered the dishes, and the menu prices were clearly marked.

He had spent over 200,000 yuan just on clothes and grooming himself that afternoon, so now, 170,000 yuan...

Seemed to not be such a big number to him...

Not to mention, during the meal, the system had already awarded him 180,000 yuan, which means, for this meal, he hadn't even paid out of pocket and had earned 10,000 yuan...

But that was just Gu Heng's thought process.

He Jing, Lin Jiayun, and Xiao Lan had been all ears when Gu Heng mentioned settling the bill. Now, hearing the discounted price of 170,000 yuan from Manager Lu's mouth, despite their best efforts to manage their expressions, their shock was unavoidably evident...

Okay, okay, okay...

Okay, okay, okay...

A single meal costing as much as the highest monthly income among them, He Jing?

Lin Jiayun and Xiao Lan didn't know much about Gu Heng's past, so they had little to say.

But He Jing knew just how hard Gu Heng's past had been.

Now, whether she believed it or not...

It seemed like what Gu Heng said that afternoon, about becoming a rich second generation, had become a firmly established fact...