Chapter 14 Reality Should Be Just That

When Gu Heng pushed open the private room door, he shook off the water droplets still lingering on his hands from the recent wash and stepped inside.

He suddenly discovered...

something was off about the atmosphere in the room...

He Jing, Lin Jiayun, and Xiao Lan, who had all been acting quite normally just moments ago, were now all staring at him...

Especially Lin Jiayun...

Her gaze was intense...

almost as if she wanted to devour him...

"What are you all looking at me for?

Don't think nonsense, I didn't do anything with Manager Lu! I washed my hands simply because they were greasy from eating!"

He Jing: "???"

Lin Jiayun: "???"

Xiao Lan: "???"

Confronted with Gu Heng's hurried series of denials, the three of them were startled!

Only a few minutes had passed since he left to settle the bill; could it be done in just a couple of minutes???

Such a man, no matter how rich he might be, simply wasn't desirable, right?

Watching their looks of disdain, Gu Heng was perplexed and then incredulously said, "Hey, hey, hey, you guys can't possibly believe that, right? In just these few minutes, there wasn't even enough time to take my pants off."

He Jing's gaze sharpened, as a sense of righteous judgment shot straight towards Gu Heng's face, "So you're saying, if there was enough time, you might indeed want something to happen?"

Lin Jiayun, on the other hand, did not possess that moral sense; she just asked the question that interested her.

"You're saying you last more than just a few minutes?"

"With both of you asking at once, how am I supposed to know who to answer first?"

Having said that, he sat down boldly in front of the two women, casually popping a cherry tomato into his mouth.

"Answer mine first!"

Seeing Lin Jiayun's eager appearance, Gu Heng shrugged and said, "Truth be told, I don't know; it's been several years since my last close encounter with a girl. Anyway, I used to have quite the stamina back then.

It probably declined by now, given that I've kept it in maintenance for so long. If I use it all of a sudden, I reckon it'll be more sensitive."

Xiao Lan, who had never been in a relationship and had only good food on her mind, listened to their direct exchange and was utterly bewildered...

Are they really this upfront?

I'm just a little girl who's six years plus 173 months old. Should I even be hearing this?


But Lin Jiayun nodded in satisfaction.

Having no close contact with girls for so many years indicates a clean social circle...

She didn't mind if Gu Heng was a playboy, but if she could find a rich, somewhat handsome, pure-hearted young fellow, why would she choose an old playboy who's been through the wringer?

Moreover, she didn't think that Gu Heng was bluffing.

There was simply no need.

There is a clear difference between men and women.

That is, a man might have only had one relationship, but he would brag as if he started with at least three.

Women, however, are different; one with eight relationships would almost wish she could say she never had any, because they know very well that the less experienced in love, the more they are valued by men.

"Now can you answer my question?"

He Jing still had that piercing look, staring straight at Gu Heng.

"Do I even need to answer that?

If we brought this question to a game of 'Truth or Dare', I believe nine and a half out of ten guys would say yes!

You've seen Manager Lu, right? Although she might be on the older side, possibly in her thirties, I think she's still quite charming...

If she's willing, of course, I wouldn't mind having a thrilling bayonet fight with her.

"I'm not at a loss anyway," Gu Heng said, playing up his honesty.

After saying this, Gu Heng looked towards the door with a bit of guilt.

Talking about someone behind their back—if they were overheard, wouldn't it be social suicide on the spot?

"No, that's not right!" He Jing glanced at her eyebrows and looked at Gu Heng again.

"What's wrong now?"

"There are plenty of beauties at the company, why didn't I see you try to hit on one before?"

Gu Heng shrugged again and laughed, then couldn't help but retort to He Jing, "My Sister Jing, you must know quite a few guys, right? How can such a childish remark come from your mouth?"


"Of course, I didn't try to hit on someone before because I knew I had no chance..."

"With my monthly salary of 4500, my only entertainment is playing games, and the fanciest place I've ever been to is a humble Internet cafe—I couldn't chase anyone even if I tried..."

"People should have self-awareness. I've understood that since I was a just a teenager with a bit of sense."

"Let's not even talk about them, let's talk about you. If I had pursued you back then, would you be sitting and eating with me at the same table today?"

Listening to Gu Heng, He Jing felt increasingly upset and couldn't help but retort, "Is that what you think of me?"

With a self-deprecating laugh, Gu Heng didn't argue with her, but just looked at her playfully...

In fact, Gu Heng strongly believed that He Jing wasn't some mercenary girl, otherwise, she wouldn't have agreed to come and have this farewell dinner with him. But if his former self had any improper thoughts, that might not be the case.

This had nothing to do with human nature; it's just that reality should be this way. The establishment of intimate relationships between adult men and women is essentially a compatibility test of value systems.

Especially for girls like them who can be basically financially independent in their 20s—who among them isn't profoundly aware? If she can live comfortably on her own, why should she date and lower her own standard of living?

It wasn't until he saw He Jing starting to feel guilty and avoiding eye contact that Gu Heng stood up, tone casual, "Let's call it a day. I should still be in Hang City for a few days, let's meet up another time."

Having said that, he made to leave.

Just as they were about to part on not-so-great terms, Lin Jiayun became anxious and quickly stood up.

"Don't be in such a hurry to go."

Gu Heng stopped and looked back at her, puzzled.

"You treated us to a meal worth tens of thousands tonight, and though it was for Jingjing's sake, no matter what, Xiao Lan and I owe you a favor.

We even canceled tonight's live stream for this, planning to take you to FT Bar for some fun as a way of returning the favor, how about it?"

After saying this, she kicked He Jing under the table.

But He Jing was so engrossed in recalling Gu Heng's recent words and his last look at her that she sat in her chair without a word.

She truly felt like today was the first day she had met Gu Heng. The careful and honest Gu Heng she knew before was dead...

After kicking with no response for a while, Lin Jiayun's upper and lower front teeth had already come together, but she could only keep smiling at Gu Heng...

"FT Bar? The one Tong Jingcheng used to run?"

"That's the one!"

There's a saying that goes...

No loser doesn't want to be Tong Jingcheng...

Gu Heng used to watch his live streams a lot, and he had heard of FT Bar, but that was all— he didn't even know which way the entrance faced...

Now that Lin Jiayun suddenly brought it up, he actually did want to see for himself what a place where one could spend tens or hundreds of thousands in a night was like...

"Shall we go and see?"

"Great! I'll call marketing right away."

She had thought He Jing would have to cooperate with Gu Heng for him to agree, but to her surprise, he simply agreed once she mentioned it.

Looking at He Jing, who still sat there lifeless, Lin Jiayun was furious.

That pig of a teammate was utterly useless!

She'd have to take matters into her own hands!