Chapter 16 Mindset Shift

After parking the car,

the four of them split into two groups and headed towards the main entrance of the FT Bar...

Lin Jiayun and Gu Heng walked side by side in the front, with Lin Jiayun teaching Gu Heng some basic knowledge about bar etiquette...

Whereas He Jing and Xiao Lan followed leisurely behind the two.

Watching the laughing pair ahead, He Jing felt an indescribable emotion stirring inside her...

To say that He Jing had fallen for Gu Heng and was jealous of Lin Jiayun was definitely not possible - though adult emotions are cheap, they aren't so cheap that one could fall for someone during a single meal, especially someone they hadn't felt anything for in two years.

Even if Lin Jiayun was shamelessly throwing herself at him, it wasn't out of affection; it was merely because she saw Gu Heng as wealthy and was after his money.

But women are strange creatures; oftentimes, even if they don't like something, they can't stand others liking it - unless that thing is trivial.

If Gu Heng had remained the ordinary office drone he once was, Lin Jiayun's advances might not have bothered He Jing at all; but the point was...

Things had changed...

The once invisible man had turned into a handsome, wealthy guy...

This hidden gem, once known only to her, had not only been brought into the limelight by her, but her so-called best friend had also taken an interest in him and what's more, their relationship was progressing quickly...

It felt like a betrayal...

Fortunately, He Jing's wild thoughts didn't last long; a male voice rang out beside them.

"Sister Lin, your booth is all set up."

Looking at the trendy young man before them, Gu Heng turned to glance at Lin Jiayun.

"Jiajun is my friend and also works in marketing at the FT Bar."

Lin Jiayun was clearly familiar with this marketer as after introducing him she continued with a smile: "This is Gu Heng, my friend. Tonight's booth is for him, so make sure everything is perfect, or else we won't be coming to you next time."

The marketer couldn't help but take a closer look at Gu Heng...

He recognized Lin Jiayun, He Jing, and Xiao Lan.

He also knew what the three of them did; though there were many influencers in Hang City with millions of followers, they weren't numerous.

Especially Lin Jiayun, who often came to the FT Bar and was considered a valuable customer, consistently bringing in good business every month.

But he was sure he had never seen Gu Heng before.

Yet as a marketer, quick on his feet, he immediately pegged Gu Heng as a wealthy second-generation heir...

If not a rich heir, how else would he find himself surrounded by three major influencers, with a special reminder to take good care of him?

Realizing this switched the marketer's casual demeanor due to his familiarity with Lin Jiayun to one of respectful professionalism typical in marketing, smiling at Gu Heng: "Since Sister Lin has instructed, tonight we'll definitely provide Mr. Gu with the best service! Come, Mr. Gu, please head inside; your booth is all ready."

Hearing the marketer call him "Mr. Gu," Gu Heng suddenly felt a thrilling sensation through his pores.

Although terms like "boss" had become overly common, nowadays constituting the basic flattery, but he relished in the vulgarity — it felt exhilarating to hear it!

Having been called "little Gu" for so many years, who would have thought that one day he would be addressed as Mr. Gu...

Originally seeing that Lin Jiayun had called a male marketer, Gu Heng had thought about asking her to replace him.

Given how much Lin Jiayun currently valued Gu Heng, replacing a marketer would probably be a simple request.

The smiling marketer didn't know that his instinctive reference to "Mr. Gu" had just secured his performance for the evening.



As soon as he walked in from the Outer Gate, a heavy scent of hormones started to assault him.

By the time marketing led Gu Heng into the Inner Gate, the ear-splitting music morphed into waves of sound that crashed over him.

The colorful lights flickered with the music, darkness mingling with brightness, while the air was filled with the scents of alcohol and cigarettes. Young men and women in the dance floor swayed their bodies to the rhythm, the unique atmosphere instantly boosting the dopamine levels in the body.

Even though it was the dead of winter, the temperature inside was still sweltering, especially when generously dressed ladies in tank tops walked past, a vague excitement quickly awakened within Gu Heng.

This was Gu Heng's first time experiencing such a scene. Although he had often watched short videos of nightclubs and bars, the feeling of being there in person, as opposed to through a smartphone screen, was incomparably more intense.

Just one nightclub could bring such a big stimulation; how thrilling must the playgrounds of the truly wealthy be?

At that moment, Gu Heng had a very clear thought.

Whether before or after activating the system, Gu Heng had a very clear sense of his own status.

He was just a small fry and had never thought about using the system to become a tycoon-like richest man; he just wanted to do everything he desired!

Previously held back by the quagmire of life, such thoughts were mere fantasies.

But now, with the cheat enabled, this lifestyle was within easy reach!

Set a small goal: within a year, under the premise that he won't end up in prison, do everything he only dared to dream about before!

[Host's state of mind elevates, daring to think what wasn't thought before, daring to do what wasn't done before, successful indulgence, reward: special shop unlocked (no supernatural items)]

Just as Gu Heng was about to inquire about this reward that switched from cash to the opening of a special shop, Lin Jiayun grabbed him by the arm and brought him to a booth.

"Sister Lin, how do you like this booth? If it's not okay, I'll change it for you immediately!"

Only after seeing everyone sit down did marketing finally stand by the booth and ask.

"Didn't I tell you, tonight this booth is opened for Gu Heng. Just ask him, it's fine if he says it's fine, if he says it's not, then we'll change it."

Upon receiving Lin Jiayun's reply, marketing once again confirmed her suspicion that Gu Heng was a rich second-generation who needed to be pampered, and became even more enthusiastic, turning to Gu Heng, "Mr. Gu, what do you think? If you don't like it, just say the word, and I'll change it for you immediately!"

Gu Heng shook his head, "This is fine."

Being his first nightclub visit, he wasn't picky nor knew how to be.

It wasn't until Gu Heng agreed that the booth was finally settled.


Watching the large booth that could fit over a dozen people, Lin Jiayun couldn't help but feel a bit shaky.

These spacious booths, she couldn't bear to open one normally when hanging out with friends—even though she had some drinks stored, the minimum spend for such a large booth would still be several thousand. And that was because today wasn't any special day and she, as a regular, got a bit of a discount; otherwise, it would definitely start in the ten-thousands...

But looking at Gu Heng sitting beside her, Lin Jiayun gritted her teeth and swept all the painful feelings from her mind...

As long as she could secure Gu Heng, this amount of money was nothing...

No investment, no return, right?




PS: A fairly typical novel about a sudden wealthy individual in everyday settings; the business aspects might appear later but will surely be limited. Moreover, the protagonist's mindset is that of an ordinary person who suddenly came into money. It might be slightly idealized, not to the extent of a coal tycoon, nor will he be depicted as a renaissance man just because he got rich.