Chapter 24: What kind of nice person would spend a million to learn cooking?

Waking up from a deep sleep...

Sunlight had already filled Gu Heng's small room...

On the small bed, measuring one and a half meters, Gu Heng was curled up and wrapped in his blanket...

Suddenly, Gu Heng's eyelids, which had been tightly closed, trembled slightly, and the next second, they opened suddenly as if resurrected from the dead!

Instinctively, he glanced at his phone charging by the bed...


Looking at the time on the phone, it was as if a chain in Gu Heng's DNA had been triggered, and his brain, which was still a bit sleepy, became instantly alert...

8:40 AM?!!

The hell, isn't this making me late??

The company's full attendance bonus was 300 yuan a month, included in his monthly salary of 4500 yuan, but being late or leaving early would mean his salary would reduce to 4200 yuan...

Thinking of this, Gu Heng sprung out of bed with a carp-like flip...

But halfway through his jump, it was as if some memory had been revived...

Didn't I... quit my job?

As he thought about it, memories from the previous day started coming back to him, little by little...

Shoes worth 45,800...

Clothes costing 240,000...

A hot pot meal for 170,000...

340,000 spent on drinks at the bar...

All these memories, which should not belong to him, surged into his mind. To be frank, if everything that happened wasn't a dream, then the experiences of yesterday were more exciting than all his 23 years of life combined...

To make sure he was not dreaming, Gu Heng opened the Construction Bank APP with the fastest hand speed he'd ever mustered in his life.

Only when he saw the balance of 5.74 million yuan did he finally breathe a sigh of relief...

Thank goodness it wasn't a dream; having truly lived such a dream and now waking up from it would have been more painful than killing him...

Now that he confirmed it wasn't a dream, Gu Heng lay back down in his warm bed to carefully savor everything that had happened yesterday.

The effect of the alcohol made his head throb faintly, making it a bit hard to remember how he had gotten home last night.

Although Gu Heng seldom drank, this didn't mean he couldn't hold his liquor; on the contrary, he had a quite good tolerance, the type who could handle a liter and a half of white liquor and unlimited beer with ease.

The reason for his memory lapses from yesterday was purely accidental...

In the whole bar, with more than 40 kinds of alcohol, though he didn't try one of each, he still drank the majority of them—beer, Western liquor, wine, all kinds of alcohol. Even someone with a good tolerance can't handle mixing so many different drinks...

But it seemed he still remembered that as soon as he got into the nightclub last night, the system had rewarded him with something called "System Shop", right?

To verify he hadn't remembered it wrong, Gu Heng tried communicating with the system mentally, the way protagonists did in novels.

"Open the System Shop."

The next second.

A faintly translucent light-blue screen appeared in front of Gu Heng's eyes.

[The System Shop is now open. The host may spend money to select items from the shop. All expenditures by the host in the shop will count as indulgence, and no rewards will be given. (Note: The shop does not contain any supernatural items such as special abilities, elixirs, martial arts or immortal techniques.)]

The message on the light-blue screen directly squashed Gu Heng's idea of exploiting the System Shop to make money.

But Gu Heng didn't take it too seriously.

There were so many things in reality that allowed him to indulge himself...

Just by indulging a little bit yesterday, he had already raked in more than 5 million yuan. There was no need to rely on exploiting bugs to make money!

He then turned his gaze toward the items in the System Shop...

[Primary Fitness Body: 1 million yuan] (No need for any exercise. Within a set period, it will transform the host's body into a fit physique with normal body fat percentage.)

[Mastery of Primary Singing Skills: 1 million yuan] (Without any learning, grants the host the singing prowess of a regular singer.)


[Mastery of Primary Dance Skills: 1 million yuan] (No learning required, grants the host the dance abilities of an ordinary dancer.)

[Mastery of Primary Basketball Skills: 1 million yuan] (No learning required, grants the host the basketball ability of an amateur player.)

[Mastery of Primary Acting Skills: 1 million yuan] (No learning required, grants the host the performance strength of an ordinary actor.)

Hold on!

Gu Heng felt that something was not right as he looked...

Why did the items in this mall seem somewhat dodgy?

He could understand the appeal of a bodybuilder's physique; after all, it's not only stars and performers who need a good body—ordinary people certainly desire one too.

Not to mention, if one could flash a six-pack at the gym or someplace similar, it's not impossible that they'd catch the eye of a rich woman and take a 30-year shortcut to the peak of life.

But besides the bodybuilder's physique, the rest of the stuff was just too outrageous, right?

Singing, dancing, basketball, acting—what the heck were all these?

Wasn't he supposed to have activated the "Hedonistic Male God" system? Was it trying to make him train for two and a half years and then debut?

Clearly, he was at the wrong set!

The entertainment star channel is next door; this is the urban life channel.

It seemed that the system had noticed Gu Heng's complaints; after he chose to refresh the items, the blue screen immediately displayed a new batch...

[Mastery of Primary Cooking Skills: 1 million] (No learning required, grants the host the culinary skills of an ordinary chef.)

[Mastery of Primary Driving Skills: 1 million] (No learning required, grants the host the driving skills of an amateur racer.)

[Mastery of Primary Combat Skills: 1 million] (No learning required, grants the host the combat skills of an amateur fighter.)

[First-Class Beauty Treatment: 1 million] (No beauty treatments required, improves the host's skin condition and facial feature harmony over a certain period.)

[Resolve One Trouble: 500 thousand] (After purchase, can resolve one trouble worth less than 500 thousand yuan for the host.)

The five items refreshed this time were clearly more normal and more useful...

Aside from the first refreshed item, Mastery of Primary Cooking Skills, the other four were all things he could use.

He was planning to buy a car today, but to be honest, although he had a driver's license, he had only driven the decrepit Santana at the driving school and had never touched any other car.

Moreover, driving is purely about experience; there's basically no such thing as talent for it. The longer you drive, the better your skills become. The driving skills of an amateur racer would definitely suffice for him. Although the price of 1 million was a bit steep, when he thought about it, it was not that unreasonable—after all, training a racer would probably cost a lot. The system was basically like having AI implanted into him, saving him the trouble and simplicity.

And the wool comes from the sheep; if the system could scam 1 million from him today, he would eventually fleece 10 million from it!

Mastering combat skills was the same.

The richer people get, the more they fear death. Although the country is safe, it doesn't mean there are no bad guys around. Having some self-defense techniques is always right.

As for beauty treatments...

They could be nice, but there's no need to rush. He'd consider it when he had more money in the future...

He already possessed the most effective thing for improving a man's attractiveness: money.

Being handsome was just the icing on the cake.

But what Gu Heng valued the most was actually the cheapest item[Resolve One Trouble]...

Troubles costing less than 500 thousand yuan covered a wide range; it could come in handy any day. Anyway, it was only 500 thousand yuan, a no-loss, no-scam deal.

As for that 1 million yuan worth of Mastery of Primary Cooking Skills, Gu Heng couldn't be bothered to give it a glance.

Even when he had been as poor as dirt, he had stuck to eating junk food outside, never cooking himself.

Now that he had money, would he spend 1 million yuan to learn cooking?

Or was he supposed to use it to charm the ladies?

What kind of sensitive new-age guy would do such a thing?

It's not something he could bring himself to do.

What kind of decent person would spend 1 million yuan on learning how to cook just to pick up girls?

