Chapter 76 Going Home

As the end of the year approached, it was still quite congested on the highway. A trip that was supposed to take around five hours, Gu Heng ended up driving for a grueling eight hours...

He even took a detour to drop off Tao Miaomiao in Tongcheng, which added another hour to the delay...

However, as the buildings on both sides of the road became more familiar, Gu Heng started to feel an inexplicable nervousness rise within him...

The phrase "nearer to home, the greater the fear" seemed quite fitting to describe his current state...


Inside the old apartment's living room, several people sat around a television, cracking sunflower seeds and chatting idly while showing off their sugar-coated mandarins.

Gu Heng's grandparents had passed away before he was born, but he had one elder uncle, one younger uncle, and two aunts. In Gu Heng's generation, there were six or seven cousins making the Gu family a prosperous one.

But in the countryside...