Chapter 79 You Really Deserve to Die_2


The last shred of hope was mercilessly shattered by Gu Heng. Li Feng threw the green booklet fiercely at him and, clenching his jaw, his face twisted in rage, said, "You're really asking for death, you know that? This hurts more than if you'd fucking killed me!"

Truth be told, there certainly was envy.

After all, not so long ago we were all a bunch of hard-luck guys huddling together, cursing how fate had dealt us a bad hand. Then, in the blink of an eye, a buddy turns into a big shot driving a Bentley, and I'm still the same damn hard-luck guy.

To not feel a tinge of envy under such contrasting fortunes... Well, unless you're the kind of friend who's been through battles together, taking bullets for each other, I doubt any other kind of bond could prevent it.

How does that saying go?

Your own failure is painful enough, but seeing your good brother succeed is even more heartbreaking...

That pretty much sums up how Li Feng felt right now...