Chapter 23: Is the Evil Spirit a Literary Girl?

At the moment Chen Yu pondered, the mouth disappeared, only revealing the natural color of the bookshelf, and Chen Yu squinted his eyes.

Although a malevolent spirit is strong, it eventually is still a form of Spiritual Body, possessing the ability to appear and disappear mysteriously isn't too strange.

"Cyanosis huh, lips cyanotic and skin pale, could it have been strangled?" Chen Yu considered a possibility, but there are many causes of cyanotic lips, just considering that it's a deeply resentful spirit, Chen Yu felt that strangulation was more likely.

Unfortunately, he didn't see the spirit's neck, otherwise, he could have determined if it was actually strangled.

But this unknown book he held must be important; otherwise, it wouldn't directly attract the attention of the spirit.

He must have been cursed by now, right from the moment he stepped into this house, but based on the pattern of the curse's onset, as long as he didn't answer the phone, he should be fine.

The only good thing about a curse-type spirit is this, as long as he understood the pattern of how this spirit cursed people, he could even dance in the spirit's minefield without too much trouble.

Just like the wild couple outside, using a small umbrella next to the haunted house wasn't too big of a deal.

Chen Yu opened the notebook he was holding; it appeared to be a sort of diary, likely written by the owner of the place.

However, it was all in Japanese, with occasional Chinese characters, and Chen Yu didn't know much about Japanese, but no worries, Radiance could help him translate.

[The wind is so loud today, could it be that the wind has troubles too? Just like the Sasuke I like.]

Well, can't understand that.

Chen Yu pinched the bridge of his nose, what the heck? Could this actually be a girl's diary?

Looking at the delicate handwriting, Chen Yu really thought it might be a girl's diary, and it seems she had a crush on someone named Sasuke.

"Could it be written by Naruto?" Chen Yu looked somewhat bemused.

[Today Sasuke talked to me, I'm so happy! Sasuke told me not to go sniffing his shoes at the shoe rack every day, he finds it disgusting, but that's the only way I can feel close to Sasuke's scent.]

[Sasuke's scent smells so good]

"..." Chen Yu had a face like a tired subway commuter, he was really at his limit, originally thinking it was from a literary young beauty, but turns out she's a freak?

What kind of person goes around sniffing someone else's shoes?

That's too weird, isn't she afraid of fungal infections?

[I got Sasuke's gym clothes, the strong smell of sweat is truly a treasure from heaven! But what made me happiest was that it even included Sasuke's underwear!]

[Sasuke's scent is so strong, I love it...]

"Hiss..." Chen Yu suddenly didn't know what to say, what could he say, what should he say? People's XP system is naturally free, but should he still suggest she see a doctor?

Isn't this already a crime?

Ah, Sasuke is a guy? Then it's fine.

Men's underwear getting stolen, as long as it's not expensive stuff, mostly no one cares.

[Today, Sasuke hit me; he called a lot of people to corner me in the men's restroom, saying he wanted to beat me to death for being a pervert. But Sasuke, I really love you.]

Chen Yu was stunned for a moment. The men's restroom? Cornered in the men's restroom?

"That's not right, the evil spirit I just saw…" Chen Yu scratched his head. The mouth he had seen, though it appeared only briefly, was clearly that of a girl.

But why would she be cornered in the men's restroom?

[Sasuke has fallen for my sister, how hateful! Shizuka Yamada, you stinking b****! &@#*¥&!]

Looking at the malicious words above, Chen Yu's face was expressionless. He now understood; the owner of this diary must be a boy, Shizuka Yamada's younger brother. Yet, the evil spirit he just saw had the face of a girl.

[Sasuke cried; he was very sad, he was rejected by that stinking b****. How dare she reject Sasuke? No, it breaks my heart to see Sasuke so distressed, I…]

Looking at the plan above—the malevolent plan—Chen Yu really doubted whether this guy was really Shizuka's brother. Her own brother? Could he really do such a thing?

Chen Yu reached the last page, where not much was written. Just a simple sentence [The plan was successful], and there was no more follow-up.

"Let's suppose the one who liked Sasuke was Shizuka's younger brother, after his plan succeeded, his sister must have been troubled a lot, but somehow, he ended up killing his sister, thus creating this evil spirit?" Chen Yu put down the diary notebook.

The contents recorded inside were very chaotic, followed entirely by strange doodles and some stains, seemingly covering something.

However, this diary notebook did enlighten Chen Yu about some of the story, but what about this computer right in front of him?

Chen Yu looked at the desktop computer in front of him.

"Radiance, can you check when this computer was launched?" Chen Yu asked. He found it hard to understand why a new computer was here, considering all other furnishings here were very old-fashioned; this computer simply did not fit in.

It felt like seeing a brand-new alien notebook in a historical drama series, completely out of place.

[Dell desktop, launched one month ago]

Radiance quickly provided the answer, such information was not difficult for Radiance to find.

"A new model launched a month ago, why would it appear in a haunted house?" Chen Yu found it hard to understand, as this was a haunted house, it was unlikely that anyone still lived here, right?

Chen Yu turned his head, then pushed open the door and walked out. There were three more rooms in the corridor on the second floor. Chen Yu looked back and then saw a sign added on the door, which read [Long Xian].

"Long Xian? Is this Long Xian's room? No, this is evidently a study." When Chen Yu first entered, he had not seen any bed or the like.

Suddenly Chen Yu felt like he was playing a decryption game.

The M29 rotated in his hand, and Chen Yu continued towards the next room. Currently, he did not have the power to flip tables; maybe later, with enough confidence, he wouldn't need to play these darn decryption games.

Chen Yu opened the next door; it was a bedroom, but Chen Yu stopped in his tracks.

Because this was a double bedroom.

But that was not the point. The point was the window here—it was the same window where he had seen Sasuke hanging outside.