Chapter 25: Evil Spirit Knight?

"Somewhat interesting," Chen Yu said as he watched the evil spirit in front of him continuously spit out black blood clots. Despite its bloodshot eyes staring straight at him, Chen Yu had to admit that the evil spirit was actually quite good-looking.

Though its current form was a bit ugly, and even slightly distorted, at least its facial features were delicate, giving off the vibe of a beautiful girl.

The evil spirit made strange noises as it slowly twisted its neck, then its body, placing its hands on the ground and lying prone.

But the back of its head was sticking to its back, and the bones in its neck were eerily bent. Chen Yu could even see the sharpness of the bone pressing against the neck, and it wouldn't be too surprising if the neck were pierced by the bone the next second.

Chen Yu picked up the M29 and aimed it at the weirdly smiling evil spirit.

The creature was crawling towards him slowly, in twisted postures that didn't seem possible for a normal human.

Such a scene continued to provoke

Chen Yu fired his gun.

The loud sound of the M29 instantly echoed through the entire haunted house.

However, Chen Yu didn't shoot at the evil spirit in front of him but instead fired at the empty bedroom behind him.

The evil spirit in front of him had crawled up to Chen Yu, grasping his feet with both hands. Chen Yu paid no attention to the evil spirit beneath him and turned his head to look behind. In the once empty bedroom, a distorted figure was now rolling and wailing behind him.

At that moment, the evil spirit beneath Chen Yu completely dissipated.

Looking at the twisted-faced evil spirit behind him, Chen Yu revealed a mockingly smile.

"Little thing, you want to play a trick of distraction?" Chen Yu wiped the M29 in his hand. He had heard the snapping noise before, and the moving wardrobe had alerted him that the evil spirit might just be in the bedroom.

Considering the death video that was played, it was obvious that the evil spirit had been killed in the bedroom, coupled with the disturbed wardrobe...

Chen Yu didn't believe the real body of the evil spirit was on the first floor. The one that had been dragged up from the first floor was likely just an illusion, and shooting it was ineffective.

The facts proved Chen Yu was right.

Chen Yu stepped over the evil spirit struggling on the ground. The sacred bullets in the M29 had a certain restraining effect on evil spirits, but they couldn't kill it outright, after all, evil spirits are a far more formidable presence than mere malevolent spirits.

However, Chen Yu wasn't worried that the evil spirit would kill him right now.

This evil spirit was of the curse variety, and curse-type evil spirits couldn't harm humans until certain conditions were met, especially this one. Her curse was to call victims and notify them of their time of death.

It may seem terrifying, but it's a considerable limitation on the spirit, as it generally can't kill the cursed before the appointed time of death arrives.

Although he didn't know what time it was, Chen Yu was sure it wasn't yet Solano's time to die.

Chen Yu stepped into the bedroom and opened the wardrobe, only to see a variety of props inside, an assortment of little toys and some objects that looked quite uncomfortable.

And at the very back of the wardrobe, a body wrapped in cling film was lying quietly there.

The other party's neck showed strangulation marks, and there were also visible signs of rope burns. Not a single piece of clothing covered the corpse, and white bone could be seen poking through the skin at the neck. Yet eerily, Chen Yu noticed that the cadaver before him was still bleeding.

Chen Yu frowned slightly. Although he had deduced that the true form of this evil spirit should be inside this wardrobe, upon actually seeing it, Chen Yu was not entirely sure whether this was indeed the entity he had been searching for.

"Ehh..." A strange noise came from behind him. Chen Yu immediately raised his gun and fired a shot at the head of the corpse before him, but at that moment, he felt an intense itching all over, and a cold sweat soaked through his clothes, making him extremely uncomfortable.

The addiction had flared up again.

Nevertheless, the bullet hit the head of the corpse, the tremendous kinetic force blasting a large hole through it.

"Ehh..." Chen Yu felt a heaviness on his shoulder. Out of the corner of his eye, he could see the evil spirit's head resting on his shoulder, its bleeding eyes fixed intently on him.

An icy chill surged up as the evil spirit's head rested on Chen Yu's shoulder, immobilizing him.

A pair of cold hands slowly reached for Chen Yu's waist, and he blinked.

He did not believe that the evil spirit in front of him coveted his body, planning to allow him to achieve the feat of becoming a spirit knight, after all, from the moment one turns into an evil spirit, they are no longer human but exist on an entirely different plane of existence.

Would a normal person feel any desire looking at a cow or a pig?

No, but Brother Three actually might.

Those cold hands slowly moved up to Chen Yu's chest, where he could feel sharp nails gliding over his skin. Chen Yu knew these were tracing the location of his heart.

"Miss Yamada Shizuka," Chen Yu spoke up.

Although he could not move his body, speaking was still not a problem.

The hands did not pause in their movement, in fact, the nails had already pierced Chen Yu's skin, causing a sharp pain at his chest. Shortly after, his clothing became damp in the area.

"The person who violated and killed you, that was your brother, right?" Chen Yu continued, for him, such pain was child's play.

In the past, when he was covering a military retreat, he had been hit by a blast of malevolent fire from the Abyss Lord, his skin and flesh all corroded, and at the time his heart had been rotten away by the same wicked flame. That penetrating pain was far more intense than this.

Fortunately, the medical pod technology of the Federation was highly advanced, so he lived, though it was essentially like getting a new body.

The hand stopped, and the breathing of the head resting by his ear grew more rapid.

"Your brother is mentally ill, isn't he?" Chen Yu knew he had guessed correctly.

When he had first read that diary, he thought it was just a tragic case of familial ethics, but after seeing the live scene and after Radiance reported a high similarity between two figures, he had a suspicion.

However, before he could find enough evidence to prove it, he had already been targeted by the evil spirit.

"He is mentally ill, in love with himself, and even gave his other self the name Sasuke, right?" Chen Yu continued with his conjecture.

The evil spirit stopped any and all movement.