Chapter 34 The Stench of the Devil

Demons, those are even more disgusting than evil spirits, and even low-level demons possess normal intelligence. To deal with them, one must treat them as real enemies, not just as wild animals.

If evil spirits are like kids wielding powerful weapons, then low-level demons are like street thugs—perhaps not with the most impressive weapons, but with plenty of combat experience.

As they reach the mid to high levels, these demons become even more formidable. They can easily destroy a city with a mere gesture, and some Duke-level demons can even burst stars with their bare hands, they are that strong.

"Danni, have you always carried this shroud with you?" Solano's secretary was still whispering something on the side, when Chen Yu looked at Danni by his side and asked a question.

"Yes, my grandfather told me to always carry it with me." Danni touched her bag, realizing that the most valuable thing inside it now was this shroud.