Chapter 44: Outlined Trajectory and Running Away from Home?

"Mom, I've already met up with Didier and Kalga, and we're now at the entrance of New York Central Station."

Chen Yu looked at New York Central Station before him, the city's busiest transportation hub -- and a place well-known enough to serve as a rendezvous point for Alice and the others.

"Such a busy transit center... but this damn place has far too few cameras," Chen Yu remarked as he scanned the surroundings. The station was large, covering an extensive area, and was quite crowded.

However, there were only a few surveillance cameras, according to the NYPD case report, NYPD officers hadn't spotted Alice and her group on any footage, and they couldn't confirm the exact location of their gathering.

They couldn't even be certain if Alice and her companions had been here at all.

Chen Yu thoughtfully reviewed the information about the missing trio in his mind.