Fifty-Sixth Chapter: Childlike Demon

The one who understands you best is often your enemy.

As a mortal enemy of the Radiant Federation, the federation's understanding of demons was even more profound than its understanding of its own people.

In the military of the federation, there was a widely known joke about a general who, back when he was a mere soldier, knew demons like the back of his hand, even knowing what patterns some demons had on their butts, but he couldn't remember his girlfriend's face, and during a family meeting, he ended up hugging the wrong person.

The faces of his comrades turned dark.

Although Chen Yu hadn't reached this extent, his understanding of demons was also exceptionally deep.

Lower-tier demons were generally cannon fodder for higher-ranking ones, having a slightly higher status than inferior demons, and formed the main force of the demon legions; if their strength met the minimum requirements of a middle-tier demon, they had to earn a title to advance.